Chapter 1

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WARNING! This story will not be updated and will NOT be completed.

Chapter 1

Alex pov


Dag it, I mean I love being in SHEILD, but do we really have to wake up so early!!! I quickly get up get into a SHIELD uniform, and drag a hairbrush though my tangled red hair and pull it up into a ponytail.


Great I'm going late, I strap on my gun holster and place my gun in it. And run out my room though the familiar halls of the SHIELD Helicarrier.

I've lived here on the Helicarrier ever since it was built, and know every inch of this place except for some restricted areas.

And while I'm racing though the halls I hear someone say my name


I heard a gruff voice say

Great, "Yes director Fury", I say innocently

"Late as usual are we"? Asked Fury

"Hey that was just one time!" I replied

"Hmm well you better get moving, Agent Dawson couldn't make this time and your substitute isn't known for patience".

"A substitute, who is it?" I ask

"You'll find out soon enough". Fury smirked

Great I wonder who it could be.

I race to the training room as fast as possible. I really hope this sub instructor doesn't get to mad.

"Ryan? What are you doing here"? I ask when I finally get to the training room.

Ryan smirked, "Didn't you know? I'm your substitute"

"Yea right", I reply, "I could take you with my eyes closed".

"Oh really why don't you prove it". He retorted.

"Fine I will".

"Yea right". He replied,

And with that he turned his back to me. Big mistake. I rushed over and tackled him to the ground but he was able brush me off. We both started throwing punches and kicks. It took a while, but I had managed to pin him.

"Told ya"! I said

"Yea yea you win I guess". He mumbled

"Well that was impressive". I heard an unfamiliar voice say.

"Agent Romanoff"?!? Ryan asks

"Yes? I'm here to give a training session for Alex Coulson".


This is my first timing writing a fanfic so if any one has any story writing tips that would be great

And I'll try not to be one of those people who NEVER write, which drives me crazy.


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