Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Alex POV


I start to lose control of myself. I'm doing things I couldn't imagine, like lifting a massive training robot and throw it across the room. Then everything start to darken...

*a hour later*

I open my eyes and see that I tied to a bed in a medic room. I hear people coming in I quickly close my eyes and pretend to be unconscious.

Riven POV

We find Nick Fury, and after some yelling or convincing from Stark, he finally agreed to take us to Alex.

"This has been happening ever since Alex came into the care of SHIELD," Fury tells us, "We found her in one of the storage wings of an old SHIELD base, but we had no idea where she came from. We did scans to make sure she was healthily and she looked normal, but when she was three we did another scan and we found a small DNA strand that was different the rest. It was closer to Thor's asgardian DNA then any human, but still different. As she grew up the rest of her DNA turned into this different type, as a result she had more times where she lost control of herself And now she only has a small amount of human DNA."

It looked like the Avengers were speechless.

"Well, I have to go clean up Alex's mess." says Fury as he leaves the medic room

We all start to leave...

"You're leaving?" We hear a weak voice say.


I race over to the bed and give her a hug.

"I was so worried." I say

"So was I." She tells me

"You ok kid?" Tony asks her


"Is this why you do not want to be an Avenger? Asked Natasha

"Yes, ever since the Avengers' team was established I've looked up to all of you, I didn't want to be a Avenger because I didn't want to hurt you." Alex says

"Hurt us? We are the Avengers!!"

Tony says

"And besides Fury thought you could do it." I tell Alex

"No, Fury didn't think I could do it. Alex says

"What do you mean?" Rogers asked her

"Fury didn't want me in the Avengers because I'd make a good addition to the team, he wanted me in the team so you could keep me under control!" Alex explains

"Look I don't care if Fury wanted us to be superhero babysitters for you," Tony tells her, " you'd still be a great Avenger."

"But you heard what Fury said, I'm not even Human, I'm a monster." She cries

"You are not a monster, but even if were so am I and I'm an Avenger". Banner says "So what do you say?"

"Ok" Alex say

"Great! Training starts at 9 tomorrow." Tony says


Sorry this late I was gone for a week with no Wifi.

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