In-N-Out and the beach (Chapter 4)

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Cody's POV

Rehearsals are finally over and Becca and I are gonna head over to In-N-Out for lunch. I grabed the two skate boards I brought and handed one to Becca.

"You ok with skating there?" I asked her. She was looking at me like I was mental or something. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Don't laugh at me...I'v never ridden on a skate board before."

"It's ok, I'll show you." I said smiling and trying to hand her the board again. She took it this time and set it on the ground in front of her. I did the same as her. "Ok just step on it, and try to keep your balance. It's basically all about balance." she got on and almost fell backwards. "Don't worry, if you fall I'm right here." that sounded so cheesy. She caught her balance now. Becca turned around and smiled at me. "Good! Now that your not gonna fall on your butt, try pushing. Stand on the board on your left leg, and push on the ground with your right." She did as told and took off. I got on my board having to catch up with her. She stopped at the corner.

"Was that good?" she asked laughing. I nodded, and took off ahead of her this time. She was soon right behind me.

"So where are we going anyway?"

"In-N-Out. Is that ok?"

"Ya, I love In-N-Out!"

As we rode there I couldn't help but think about if she was my girlfriend. I would respect her. I would never hurt her. I would bring her flowers when shes upset, or just for no reason at all. She wouldn't have to put a fake smile on when shes around me. I would sing to her. I would send her good morning and good night texts. I would call her when I miss her voice. I could bring her out to dinner, or we could just stay over at my house and eat dinner with my family. We could walk on the beach in the morning, and watch the sun rise. We could -

"Oh my god! Cody are you ok?" Becca was hovering over my face.

"Ya I'm ok. My nose just really hurts now. What happened?"

"I don't think you were paying attention to were you where going. You just ran into that tree." she said now laughing her butt off.

"Well that's embarrassing" I said standing up now.

"Well it's not as embarrassing as half the stuff I run into. I'm such a cluts!" she said laughing again.

"It's embarrassing because of what my mind was on when I decided to hug this tree." I blurted out without even thinking. Please, please, please, please don't ask about it.

"Why? What were you thinking about?" We started walking now, carrying our boards.

"Um...nothing." I said nervously, running my hand through my hair. "Hey were here."

"Don't think I wont forget about this Simpson." she said jokingly. I laughed nervously, and held the door open for her. We sat at a booth, and ordered.

"So how long have you been a fan of mine?"

"Since 2008." she said so casually, picking up her soda taking a sip. "I saw the first video you posted I think one or two days after you uploaded it. I saw you singing, and I just fell in love with your voice."

"Wait. You'v been a fan since the first video?" she nodded "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For watching my videos. For believing in me."

"Your welcome?"

"It probably sounds weird but I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for you, and other people too, but still." she smiled at me. 

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