School With My Boyfriend and Moving? (Chapter 18)

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Becca's POV

I woke up to my alarm again. Today is another day of hell, and the last possible day with this cast on. I suddenly felt someones arms on me tighten and I remembered those arms belonged to Cody. I turned my head to look at his peace full face. I poked him. His face pinched together, then nothing.

"Cody, get up. If you wanna go to school with me then you need to get up right now." He huffed. "Cody."

"I heard you." He suddenly grumbled. I smiled then got up to take a shower. He's always grumpy, especially if he didn't get a lot of sleep. I changed into white jean shorts, and a sweatshirt. I brushed my hair and my teeth, and did my hair like yesterday. During the summer Alli showed me how she does her natural makeup. I tried it and It looked like I was barley wearing any. I got out of the bathroom and Cody was gone. I grabbed my backpack, my phone, and my crutches. I got my converse on then hopped downstairs. Angie and Cody were in the kitchen talking.

"Don't forget your going to the doctors tomorrow to get the cast off, and to get a boot." Angie said.

"Ok. Hey Cody we better go now or I'll be late." I said leaning against Cody's chest as he hugged me.

"Mum do you think I can borrow the car?"

"I don't care, just don't get pulled over." Angie said giving Cody the keys. We hugged her goodbye then left. I didn't know they had a car. I knew they had a van, but I never knew they had a car. I checked twitter on the way there. I saw out the corner of my eye Cody looking at my phone every few seconds.

"Eyes on the road Simpson."

"I'm just checking on my baby." He said grabbing my hand and entwining our fingers. We were soon pulling into the parking lot. I got out when Cody opened my door for me. We walked in together and went strait to the main office. The principal was standing right there.

"Hello, are you the principal?" Cody asked her.

"Yes I am. Can I help you with something?"

"My name is Cody Simpson." He shook her hand.

"I know my niece always talks about you. What can I do for you Cody?"

"Well yesterday my girlfriend Becca got bullied so bad that she asked my mum to come and pick her up at lunch. I wanted to ask you if it's ok if I come to school with her today and tomorrow?"

"It's perfectly alright with me. But Becca if someone is bullying you, you could tell me and I could take care of it."

"No that's alright. I'll have Cody with me for the next few days." We thanked her then left. We still had a few minutes left so we stood where I usually do. We held hands and occasionally stole kisses. The first bell rang and we started to my first class.


It's ninth period and I get to skip English to go to a voice lesson for choir. Cody was happy when I told him. I walked in and it was just me, Cody, Mr. Dunkle, and a girl named Shay. He wanted us to sing individually to see where to put us. Well all of us except for Cody. Shay ended up being Alto, and I'm a Soprano. Cody was surprised that I can sing that high. He's never heard me sing before. I can tell he was happy to be here with me right now.

We sang a couple songs from last year, then we sang a Hebrew song. When the last ell rang I was so grateful. Cody walked me to my locker then opened the car door for me. I got in and he got in the other side.

"I can't believe I'm lucky enough to have a gentlemen like you Codes." I told him as I intertwined our fingers. He smiled and continued to drive with one hand.

"I love you." He suddenly said as he stopped at a red light.

"I love you too." I kissed his cheek. When we got home I went up stairs to my room and Cody helped me with my math homework.


When we came down for dinner Alli was sitting on the couch in the living room.

"Hey guys, mum and dad wanna tell us something." Alli said as she went into the kitchen. The table was set and everything looked delicious. Tom was helping Angie put something on the table. We all sat down at the longish table. I sat next to Cody and Alli, Angie sat across from me, Brad across from Cody, and Tommy across from Alli. We started dinner and rad started the conversation.

"So, Becca, how was school?"

"It was better having Cody there with me."

"We need to talk to all of you about something for a minute. We were looking around, and we were thinking about moving."

"Where?" Alli asked.

"Just down the road a ways. It's closer to the beach, It's closer to Becca's school, and It's closer to some of the recording studios."

"Does that mean I get to go surfing more?" Cody asked. I laughed at how exited he sounded.

"Yes." Angie answered him and laughed too. "I have to take Becca to the doctors tomorrow to get her cast off then we all can go look at the house if you want." We all agreed.

"That was easier that I thought." Brad said looking around at all of us.

Tomorrow is gonna be pretty busy.


It's a short chapter, and it's kinda a filler. I might be wrapping up this story really soon. I don't know yet.

I'm writing a few stories in my notes on my iPod. So please look for those in the future?

Hope you liked it, love ya <3

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