Threatened (Chapter 8)

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Becca's POV

I woke up and noticed Cody's arms still wrapped tightly around me. Only he wasn't wearing a shirt, and he had Batman pajama pants on. I smiled to myself. I could see light coming in from a window, so it must be well into the day. I looked back to Cody. He was still asleep, but he was smiling. I blew on his face, and watched as his nose crinkled up. He still wouldn't open his eyes. Ryan walked past.

"Hey Ryan." I whispered

"Ya? Awww look at the cute couple!"

"Don't talk so loud, I don't wanna wake Cody up yet."

"He's a heavy sleeper, he wont wake up."

"In that case" I pried myself away from Cody and climbed over him. "I wanna scare him awake. Can you help me?"

"Sure. I already have a plan." he smiled

"Your evil."

"Yup. Ok so we are at the venue, and there are some fans outside. You go outside, tell the fans that if Cody comes outside to tell him that someone took you and drove off down the road, and hide on the other side of the bus. Text me when your behind the bus."

"Ok, but I'm gonna get changed first." I grabbed some shorts, one of Cody's tank tops, and hopped to the bathroom. I came back out after brushing my hair. I hopped over to Ryan and he handed me my crutches. I got off the bus, and there were about 18 fans. I hobbled over to them.

"Would you guys do me a favour?" I got some yes's. "Ryan and I wanna scare Cody awake. So when he comes out here looking for me, can you tell him that someone took me and drove off down the road?" they all agreed. I thanked them then went to the other side of the bus.



I listened very carefully. The bus shook a bit. Maybe Ryan was shaking him awake.

"Whaaaat?" Cody groaned. Grumpy Cody. I gotta call him that later.

"Cody you have to wake up!" Ryan yelled.


"Because Becca went outside to walk around, and something happened. Nobody can find her anywhere!!"

"What?!?!" the bus moved some more, I heard muffled talking from Cody, then the bus door opened.

"Hi Cody!"

"Hey guys. Have you seen Becca?" he sounded rushed.

"Ya. Some guys pulled up in a black jeep, took her, then drove off that way." I love these girls. I could hear his bare feet against the pavement. I looked around the bus quickly. He got on a golf cart and drove off down the road. I came out and Ryan got off the bus. I hobbled over to him.

"Thanks Ryan." I fist bumped him.

"No problem. You should have seen his face when I told him nobody could find you." he laughed. We stood there for at least 10 minutes waiting for him to come back. By now there were about 26 fans. I started getting worried.

"What if he actually found a black jeep? What if he got pulled over for driving a golf cart on the road? What if he wasn't looking where he was going and got hit by a truck?"

"He's probably fine."

"Did he take his phone with him?"

"Ya he said what if you texted him, or tried to call."

"I'm gonna try to call him."

"If it goes through tell him something crazy." I got my phone out, all the fans there were watching. I tapped on his name, and hit call. I put my phone up to my ear. It only rang half of the first ring.

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