Just Friends (Chapter 2)

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Cody's POV

I'v been in the studio all day. It's now 3:48 am, and Mum is here but dad had to stay home to watch Tom.

"See ya tomorrow Matt!" I called behind me as I walked out with Alli and Mum.

"Mum if it's ok with you I think I wanna ride my skate board home."

"It's ok with me, just don't be too late getting home."

"Ok. See you in a bit. Love you" I said giving Alli a hug, and kissing my mom on the cheek.

I started off as Alli got in the passenger seat of the van. It's a beautiful night, I'm glad she let me go. I decided to take the long way home. As I passed Palm trees I noticed it was that perfect time of day where the sky was trying to make up it's mind weather it wanted to be night or day. It was beautiful. I stopped, picked my board up, and started walking. I couldn't let this perfect picture opportunity pass as I reached into my pocket. I pointed my phone at some of the palm trees and taped the screen. I heard a noise behind me. I put my phone away, and stood there for a few more seconds. I heard the noise again, this time I turned around.

"Hello?" I asked, and a girl came from out of the shadows. Becca. She was standing there with a Cannon camera in her hands.

"I'm sorry. I was walking, taking pictures, and saw you standing there. It looked like an amazing picture so I had to take it. Again I'm sorry Cody." she explained

"No It's ok, I understand." I laughed "But....why are you walking around at 4:15 in the morning?"

"Why are you?"

"Turning the question around are we?" she nodded, and I walked over towards her so we could talk properly "I just got out of the studio, and I decided to skate home. How about you?"

"Insomniac, and all the best pictures are taken at this time." she said smiling. "I can't believe you remember me from earlier though."

"How could I forget a fan like you? Your not like the rest of them. I...um....I actually wanted to ask you something."

"Ok" Why am I so nervous?!

"I wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out some time? I know you have a boyfriend. I just want to be friends."

"I'd love to hang out. But don't you have to go on tour in 3 days?"

"Oh ya, I honestly forgot about that. Well I have rehearsals tomorrow, you can come with and watch, then after we can hang out and talk?"

"I'd love to come and watch" the smile on her face was a mile long. "It was great talking to you Codes but I have to go or my dad will have a fit."

"Well I'm on my way home too. I'll walk you."

"You don't have to."

"Well I'm gonna" I looked down at her. We started walking, and she was showing me pictures she has taken on her camera. "Your a really good photographer!"

"Thanks. I was thinking of being a photographer when I get out of school in a few years." we walked a little more before she stopped. "Well this is me. Thank you for walking me home Codes."

"Any time. See ya tomorrow at 7." I gave her a hug. Then started to walk to my house. I never knew she lived so close to me. My house is 10 houses down from hers. I turned around and saw her climbing the side of her house. Why is she climbing the side of her house? I turned back around once she climbed in sliding doors. I took my phone out to look at twitter, and noticed that Becca sent me a DM. She said "Hey Cody I forgot to ask you if when your on your way to my house tomorrow if you could DM me so I can meet you outside? I'll explain why tomorrow." I typed back a reply quickly "sure thing Becca. :)"  she didn't reply after that.

I walked into the front door, and the house was completely dark. I locked the door, and took my shoes off so I wouldn't wake everyone up. Then walked up the stairs. As I walked to my room I saw a light flooding out from under Tom's door. I slowly creaked his door open, sometimes he leaves his light on. This time he was sitting on his bed with his laptop. I walked in and slowly closed the door behind me.

"Hey Tommy. Whatcha doin'?" I sat on his bed next to him.

"Just playing Minecraft. Your Home late."

"Ya I walked. Your up late, shouldn't you be sleeping?"

"Ya I should be but my friend and I got attacked by a bunch of Endermen, then he died, so I had to grab all his stuff for him. Then I just lost track of time."

"Well just remember that your getting up with us tomorrow, oh and that tomorrow I rehearsals for tour. We have to be at the dance studio by 7:30 and this time we can't be late. Dmac got mad the last time I was late." I ruffled his hair then got up to leave. "Night bro."

"Night Cody" I crept back out of his room, and into mine. I took my shirt off, and changed into pajama pants. I got into bed thinking about how Becca is now my friend, and how I get to hang out with her tomorrow.

Becca's POV

After I DMed Cody about tomorrow I had to tell Steve that I couldn't go with him tomorrow. I panned a date for us tomorrow, but he had things going on anyway, and he didn't seem so enthusiastic about it. I told him:

Hey Steve, sorry I can't go out with you tomorrow. Somethings come up ~ Bec

Where are you going? - Steve

Ash invited me to a girls day out with every one ~ Bec

That's ok babe. Love you - Steve

I didn't reply. I didn't have anything else to say to him. I changed for bed, brushed my teeth. Then fell asleep thinking about my day tomorrow with Cody.


Hello! My last day of school was on Monday, so now I'm on summer vacation. I have my laptop all the time now, not just on weekends, so I'll be able to update whenever now! 

Thank you for reading!! <3

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