two: mr. bang

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+ mina's p.o.v +

It was Mr. Bang. I bowed as I stuttered, "A-A-Annyonghasaeyo! My name is Lee Jae Mina, it is a pleasure to work with you."

In return, I only hear a laugh. "Oh it's nice meeting you, you look lovely. Please sit down."

He gestures to the white chair right in front of him. I scan my outfit, confused on what he meant by "You look lovely". I was only wearing dark blue jeans, a low v-cut grey shirt, and a gold elephant necklace that my father gave me on my 15th birthday as a sign of luck. Ever since I was young, I was bullied for being "ugly" or "too fat". I've gotten used to it now, but their comments still hurt. My family never had any problems. We have no debts and my parents loved each other, but the only thing that kept me from being happy, was myself. I have terrible self esteem issues, and whenever people compliment me, I'm more confused than flattered.

"I can see why the judges chose you as the photographer for Big Hit. Your pictures are really beautiful!" He admires as he looks over the pictures I submitted with my application. I bow my head, thanking and appreciating his kind words.

His face all of a sudden grew serious and said,"Now let's get to business. You will be assigned to to boy group called BTS. I-"

"BTS? Who is that?" I interrupt, having no clue who this so called "BTS" was.

"You don't know who BTS is? BTS stands for Bangtansonyeondan, they have produced more than 3 albums, and they're most well known for their incredibly complicated choreography." he stated and stared at me in shock and disbelief.

"Sorry, I haven't kept up with the music trend."

"Well Mina, this is an entertainment filled with idols. You will definitely need to know the idols... especially from our entertainment."

"You might've seen them around," Mr. Bang says as he turns his monitor towards me. It was a picture of seven boys in a red elevator. Wow, I'd be lying if I said they weren't good looking. My eyes were instantly drawn to this one boy from the group with black hair, he looked so perfect, I thought my job would seem easy since he's so photogenic.

"May I ask who this person is?" I said blushing and pointing at the boy with the police officer uniform.

"Ah, that's Jungkook. He is the golden maknae of the group, he's good at everything. Do you like him?" he asked with furrowed brows, staring into my eyes.

"No! I just find him attractive, that's all." I said looking down with my face turning red.

"Haha, these are the boys you will be taking pictures of and your first day will start tomorrow. Oh, and please sign this contract. This contract will confirm that you will be now working for me and a promise that you are not able to interact with the idols, unless you are told to do so. In this case, the only time you can actually interact with them is at the photoshoots. If you are caught by the media...I'm afraid that you will have to leave the entertainment."

I nodded listening to every single word attentively and finally signed the contract. He stands up and puts out his hand.

"Thank you so much for everything!" I shook his hand and turned around.

He stopped me."Maybe one day, you could join me for discuss about your progress with BTS." he said while still holding my hand.

He let go of my hand, waving goodbye. I gave a small smile, and left. I closed the door behind me and sighed with relief and excitement.

My new life as BTS' photographer begins...


hi! I hope you enjoyed this chapter of Ripped Memories. insomnesia and I, had a fun time making this. i think my bias from bts now is the PD-nim xd. please comment and vote if you like this chapter, and we'll continue making more.

thats all for now. annyeong~

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