Chapter 2

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I got up from the bed remembering that I didn't shower that day due to be working all night. As I was taking a shower, I could've sworn I heard screaming from a couple doors down.

I quickly got out and put on a robe. I got my gun and left the room, but stopped when I saw John. His face was a mask of worry, as we both hid in each side of the door of room 78.
I knocked, and waited for an answer. Not but a few seconds later, the door swung open, and out came a lady who I suppose is the maid. "Oh" she gasped in surprise.

She was pleasantly plump, and had fiery red hair pulled back into a bun. "Hello" John greeted. "Is everything alright in there? We heard screams" I ask her with suspicion. "Of course it is, Mr. March was just listening the radio quite loudly. An, how do you say, advertisement was playing for a flicker featuring horror" she finished explaining. Me and John both looked at each other, not quite believing her. "We'd like to talk to this Mr. March guy, if you don't mind" John asked, and the maid nodded. "Of course, let me ask him"

The maid returned moments later. "Mr. March would like to talk to you" John and I started to walk in, but then she stopped me. "Just him, sorry dear" I was taken aback for a moment, before huffing. Really? Was this guys sexist, or something? "Why?" She smiled apologetically "I'm not sure dear, but perhaps it will give you the chance to finish your shower" I blushed, remembering that I was only in my robe, and hurried back to do just that. Then I went to bed wondering what this "Mr. March" character wanted to talk to John about.

When I woke up, I changed into a white croptop with long sleeves an some light jeans with some lita heels. I know it's a bit revealing but it's California, it's hot, sue me. Plus, it comes in handy when ya need to get info out of guys.

Once I was done getting dressed I went to the elevator, and right before the doors closed, I saw the same little girl from yesterday staring at me. Except this time she had a little boy with her. He was wearing similar attire, and had the same platinum hair. I was about to go say something to her, but the doors had closed already.

I decided to let it go an move on "it's probably just a little prank she's playing" I said to myself. As I got to the lobby I saw John sitting with a woman with blonde frizzy hair, so I went over there to save him from what I assumed was a prostitute. "Hey" I greeted him. The blonde glared at me, right before leaving with an angry huff. "Who was that?" " just a junkie"

I was about to yell at him for calling her a junkie, but not too long ago I called her a prostitute. Man, my morals were slipping. "So, what'd that March guy want with you?" "He was just saying all this nonsense about hating cops, and how he wanted me to open my eyes. But honestly, I think that guy is just high on meth" he said with a smile on his face and I giggled.

I always had a crush on him, but I knew it was never going to happen. He was married, unhappily married, but still married, and John had huge morals when it came to his loved ones. "So what's the plan for today?" I ask Him. "Well, we're going to take today free so we can relax and explore the hotel a bit" "Okay, well then I guess I'll stay and bit get a drink. You wanna stay and accompany me? You don't even have to drink, I could just use the company" I ask, hoping he'll say yes.

"I'm sorry Daisy, but I can't. I have to go to my house talk with the wife" I sigh sadly. "ouch, good luck with that" "thanks I'm gonna need it" he says with that handsomely sad face that I'm all too familiar with, and left. I sigh, resting my head on my hands at the bar table. "Hey hun, you look down, can I get you something to drink? My names Liz" said a trans woman. She was covered in sequins, and had a perfect Egyptian look to her. She was beautiful in her own way.

"Hiya Liz, I'm Daisy Mae. Can I get some liquor?" Liz laughed her ass off at that. "Sure thing honey" she grinned. "So what has you down?" I sigh. "Men, but hey, what else is new" she grins at this. "Sounds tough, and every woman understands where you're coming from. It's on the house" I smile at the kind gesture, but shake my head. "Nah, I'll pay for it. It's only fair, and I'd hate to cheat ya" she shook her head, rolling her eyes. "Please, modesty is against the rules at my bar"

After my chat with Liz, and a few shots, I went to the lobby and sat down on the sofa. I took my iPhone out and started to look through Instagram. "What on earth is that device that your holding?"

(Edited Oct. 27th, 2016)

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