It was the rhythmic beeping of the machines that made Grace aware of her surroundings. Her entire body felt numb, she couldn't feel anything. The second thing she was aware of was the fact that she was lying down and all she could see as she forced her eyes open was a celling. As she began to gain feeling in her arms she could feel the weight of someone's hand on her arm, the hand felt warm on her cold clammy skin, the feeling made her comfortable and safe. Grace turned her head slowly to find out who the hand and who she found sat next to her made her smile. With all the strength she had, Grace lifted her other arm and placed her hand on top of his.
'Chester..... Chester wake up'
Her voice came out in nothing more than a whisper but it was enough to wake up Chester, who lifted his head up so quickly that he was pretty sure he gave himself whiplash.
'Grace oh my god your finally awake, you wouldn't believe how happy I am to see your finally awake'
Grace squeezed his hand and gave him a faint smile before taking a moment to really look at Chester. He looked tired and like he had been crying, he looked as if he'd slept in his cloths for more than a couple of days.
' I can't believe you came Chester.. But what happened, I don't remember much of anything and you look like you've not slept in days.'
The fact that she was talking to him made Chester smile, even if it was just whispers but the smile on his face soon fell as he sat back in his chair and sighed.
'Your in the hospital now but got a call from you late on Tuesday, you asked me to come to you I didn't get much out of you before the phone went dead, my hart was in my throat, I was petrified that something really bad had happened to you . I've never moved so fast in my life, when I got to your place I went round the back. I looked for you.... I found you in your bathroom with cuts and bruises all over you, you have a cut on your head that got infected, that's why your feeling so rough right now they had to give you stuff for the infection. Whoever hurt you also cracked one of your ribs, you probably can't feel it right now with all the medication they have you on'.
As he finished talking he could feel Grace's hand running up and down his arm. This felt wrong, it should be him comforting her not the other way around.
'I'm happy your here, thank you for helping me'
Grace stilled her movement on his arm and pulled him up to face her.
'I mean it... Thank you'
'What happened, did someone come after you?'
Grace shifted slightly in her bed grunting softly as the movement aggravated her injuries, it didn't stop her making eye contact with Chester.
'Promise me I can trust you.....please'
Chester looked down at their joint hands before making eye contact with the blonde.
'I promise you can trust me grace'
She squeezed his had again before she started speaking.
'Ok sit, this will take a while to explain ..... It all started when I was seventeen......
Here's to you.
FanficShe had a choice to make. Years later she is reminded of that decision...