Chapter Five

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 ~ Jeff ~

            Frustration drove me to Gran's library.  The intrusion of three new people into the house put my plans of going up to the attic to start working on my potions.  I needed to find a good mix so that I could get the kids at the school to loosen their tongues just a bit.  Not enough for them to notice, but enough for me to get a good idea of what they're doing and how.  I can't stop what I can't figure out.  I needed them to trust me.

            Gran always had a fire going in the library during the winter.  She never lets it go out.  They do occasionally get some rough storms up here that knocks the power out and having it premade helps keep at least one room in the house warm until the power comes back on.  I needed the feel the heat of the fire after being cold all day. 

            Seems I wasn't the only one with that idea either.  Jeff sat camped out in front of the hearth reading a book.  He looked very absorbed in whatever book he'd found. 

            "What are you doing in here?" I demanded, my voice sharper than I'd intended, but I needed some alone time to figure a couple things out. 


            He never looked up from his book, which caused my frown to turn into an outright scowl. 

            "Go read somewhere else," I told him.

            "I'm cold."  He finally looked up at me and again I was struck by how blue those eyes of his were.  They weren't sky blue, but more of a cerulean blue.  "This is the first time I've begun to feel warm since we got here, so no offense, but I am not leaving."

            That I could understand.  I hated being cold.  I plopped down on one of the overstuffed cushy chairs Gran has in front of the fireplace.  "Not used to the cold?"

            "No, it never gets this cold in North Carolina."  He went back to his book and I stared into the fire.  It was warmer in here than normal, I realize.  Maybe his Element was Fire?  Not that I was gonna ask him, mind you.  I didn't want to start small talk I had no interest in finishing.

            I bet his Element was Fire though.  There were five Elements in witchcraft:  Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit.  Spirit binds the first four together.  Myself, I played a little with them all.  Dad told me once it was very unusual to be able to communicate with all of them, but that just means I get more mojo out of my spelling.  My Element was Earth.  I'm grounded just like the Earth.  I change, but essentially stay the same.  With me, you get what you see. I didn't try to play games or make pretenses out of who I am. 

            Well, normally at least.  I refused to count my current Stepfordville role.

            "What are you working on?"

            I blinked and looked at Jeff.  He was still reading.  I'd hoped he wasn't one of those people who needed to talk when in a room with another person.  There went that hope.

            "Stuff."  I told him and hoped he'd take the hint to shut up.

            He shrugged.   "Sometimes it helps to figure 'stuff' out if you talk about it.  I might actually be able to help with whatever spell you're working on."

            "How do you know I'm working on a spell?"

            He shut his book and turned to look at me.  "That is your Book of Shadows you are trying to shred with your fingers?"

The Oath, Book 2 of The Coven SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now