Chapter Twenty Seven

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~ Epilogue ~

Euriel reveled in the feel of the cold air biting into his skin, in the snow as it landed on his upturned face. It had been so long since he'd felt anything but darkness and pain. He was free for the first time since the Great War, and he was determined to enjoy every moment of it. Soon, he'd need to start putting his plans into place, preparing for his leader, his friend's return. Together they would make these deformed apes pay for the rift they had caused between the Angels and their Father.

Free will. It all came down to free will. Father had bestowed the humans with that, but denied his first creations that choice. They had to obey, blindly. They had no choice in how they lived, who they loved, and perish the thought any of them could love one of Father's precious creations.

Anger and despair still burned within Euriel. He'd loved once, a human girl. He'd approached Father to gain his approval, and he'd been denied. Father had destroyed the girl when Euriel argued with him. It had nearly killed Euriel when she died. He'd held her in his arms, crying at the unfairness of it all. That's when he'd decided that the others were right. The humans had Father's love, but the Angels no longer had it. They were just pawns, soldiers, to do as they were told.

Euriel had joined Lucifer in the rebellion. He'd met Sammael, one of Father's personal warriors. Sammael was the one who'd convinced Lucifer of Father's failing love. Angels, who loved Him more than anyone, he'd turned his back on. Sammael was right. The two of them had become fast friends, and when the Morning Star had Fallen, Father separated those who could bring him back into power. He'd trapped them, freezing them in a world of pain and loneliness.

No more. Euriel was out, and Sammael soon would be. Together they were going to make the humans pay for turning Father against his first creations, his true children.

Euriel gazed out of cerulean blue eyes and smiled.

They'd never see him coming.

The Oath, Book 2 of The Coven SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now