Chapter Twenty-One

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~ Unveiled Secrets ~

The smell of bacon made my nose twitch as I trudged down the stairs. I'd planned on a bowl of Mini Wheaties and some OJ, but bacon? I'd sell an organ for bacon on the best of days. It was a weakness of mine, and my Gran knew it. She was either being nice after our talk last night, or she was lulling me with bacon and planned on starting the Inquisition again. My sleep deprived mind didn't care—it just smelled bacon.

Gran was at the stove in her favorite jogging pants and long sleeved green shirt. Pancakes. She flipped pancakes as she scooped bacon out of a pan with her free hand. Pancakes, eggs, and bacon. Seriously, she'd gone all out. What was she up to? I grabbed a glass and poured myself some orange juice before settling on a stool at the island. My mouth salivated at the smells assaulting me.

"Good morning," Gran said, her voice dripping with cheerfulness. I grunted in response. I always detested morning people. I was not a morning person. If I didn't get food and some form of caffeine before I was forced into conversation, there could be no guarantees casualties wouldn't ensue.

Gran set a plate down in front of me and pushed the maple syrup my way. I closed my eyes and inhaled, the smell of yumminess making my stomach rumble. The first bite hit my tongue and exploded in the delicious heaven that was bacon.

"I talked to your dad this morning," Gran said, the casualness of her tone making me choke. I coughed and gulped down orange juice to try and help. When I finally looked at Gran, she just stared, waiting. Hell. Full Inquisition mode.

"That so?" I asked after a minute and shoveled more food into my mouth. It didn't taste nearly as good as before. Dammit. Why did she have to go and ruin my favorite breakfast foods?

"He said you were asking about Protectors."

I made a noncommittal noise, scrambling to try and remember exactly what I told Dad.

"Your father said you asked me, and I had no clue," Gran reminded me, making me wince. "Since I know exactly what they are, he knew you lied to him, Melinda."

Damn, damn, and double damn.

"So just when were you going to tell me you were assigned a Protector, Melinda Rose James?" My full name...ouch. The fury in her tone had me afraid to look up and see the disappointment on her face. "What are you involved in?"

"Nothing, Gran," I told her, almost managing to sound blasé.

"Don't nothing me, young lady!" she yelled. "Whatever it is, it's bad enough to have activated your Protector."


"It's Xavier, isn't it?" she demanded. "What's he here to stop you from doing?"

"Gran, it's nothing..."

"He'll kill you, Melinda, to keep you from making the wrong choice!"

"He can't," I said. "He'll die if he does."

Gran's mouth dropped open. Her look kinda mirrored mine when he told me that. "He...the Elements...they bonded you two together?"

I nodded, still not liking that particular fact. I hated being responsible for someone else's soul. I was still trying to figure out how I could do what I needed to without compromising Xavier.

"I knew that boy wasn't human," she muttered before fixing me with an icy stare that could cower the polar glaciers. "What are you caught up in, young lady?"

I sighed and gave up on trying to eat my wonderfully delicious breakfast. "Gran, what would you say if I told you Jenny was murdered?"

"Sweetheart, that isn't possible. When she died, the police did a full investigation, and the medical examiner agreed. Her death was a suicide."

The Oath, Book 2 of The Coven SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now