Chapter Twenty

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~ Dreams ~

April 3, 2007

I had the strangest dream last night. There was a room maybe, I'm not sure. It might have been a room, or it might have been some underground cave for all I know. It was dark, though, not an ounce of light anywhere, or at least that's what I thought at first. But how can there be shadows if there is no light? The room was alive with shadows and they scared me. Terrified me really. I woke up shaking, I was so afraid. It felt as I were frozen, like I couldn't move. They wanted something from me, but I don't know what. Whatever they were, they felt old, powerful, but sad and frustrated too. It's like they wanted me to help them get free maybe? I don't know. It was just a really weird dream.

I've been having some odd feelings lately too, like something is stirring, stretching beneath the Earth. Not something good either. I told Dad about my dreams and he said he'd try to find something in the Book, but I'm not sure he can. The Book is old, but it doesn't have the answers to everything. I think this is one time the Book won't have a clue as to what's going on. This feels older than the Book, ancient almost. Whatever was in my dream, it's bad juju. I think it also has something to do with what's going on with the Earth, too, but I'm not sure. Maybe Dad will find something in the Book, I don't know.

It was just weird. I've never had a dream like that before. Could just be a random nightmare for all I know, but it didn't feel like that. It felt ominous, prophetic. Hard to say what'll come of it, if anything. Only time will tell I guess.

April 28, 2007

I had the dream again, only this time, I got a more urgent feeling. It was like I needed to do something, warn someone that whatever is in that place wants out. No, that's not right. It's going to get out. Maybe I'm supposed to warn them about that so they can stop it? Or fight it? I'm just not sure. The dream was just flashes, images of things I didn't recognize. The shadows were back, calling out, reaching for me this time. I was so scared, I woke up screaming. Daddy is still trying to find answers in the Book, but I told him this morning to stop. There were no answers there. He said he'd call a few people he knew to see they could make sense of it.

He and I both think it has something to do with dark magic, dark witches. The Witches' Council needs to know. Daddy said there are people on the Council who deal with dark magic every day and they might have some answers, but somehow, I just get the feeling this is beyond them. I can't shake the feeling that this is some ancient form of darkness we've never seen before. I can only hope the Council can give us more answers than my dreams are giving me.

May 19, 2007

I'm scared. The dream last night showed me terrible things. Something dark and deadly is coming. I saw its shape rise up out of the ground and it ATE the shadows around it. They screamed and screamed, the agony of their pain ripped through me. This thing, this is what I have been feeling shifting and moving under the surface of the Earth, but I don't think it's the worst of what's coming. I think its purpose is to unleash the worst of it, to open the gates to something even more deadly. If it's worse than what I felt last night, I'm not sure what we can do to stop it. I'm not sure anyone can stop it. I'm afraid.

I think even Dad's starting to get worried. He found out something from the Council, but he said he needed more information before he could discuss it. I mean it's my dreams that are being invaded. He needs to tell me. If I don't know what I'm dealing with, how am I supposed to figure this out, let alone protect myself? He's my dad and I get he's trying to protect me, but still, I need to know this!

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