Chapter 13

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Bobtail looked up, Tiger's eyes staring into him. He looked back down at Aspen, he realized her blood had got on his pelt. Bobtail struggled to get up, standing as straight as he possibly could. Everyone was still there staring at the scene, Butch still sitting firmly on the large trashcan, Raven had come over to his side. Raven looked at him with horrified eyes, Bobtail put his chin up and flicked his gaze on Butch. His eyes narrowed and he growled at the large tom that was smirking slightly. Bobtail then felt his head buzzing, he flinched and clenched his teeth, it was an intense pain he'd never felt before. Raven put his paw on Bobtail's shoulder, his fur prickling. The pain eased slightly enough for him to keep still and his teeth to stop clenching. What was that about?

Silence was all he heard, he thought he could see the cats' mouths moving but it was just his imagination. Bobtail then felt something hit his head like a rocket. His ears rang, all he saw was Tiger slashing his face and a black streak went across his vision. Bobtail felt dizzy as he collapsed on the hard, cold stone. He let out a big breath and he felt as if he was falling asleep. Maybe this is just a dream. If I go to sleep this nightmare will be gone. I'll be back, safe, in Bloodclan. No, not Bloodclan, no cat is safe here. But somewhere else...

"Bobtail! Get up!" Bobtail heard a yowl of urgency in his ears. It's just a dream. A nightmare.

Bobtail then felt a sharp tug on his scruff. His eyes shot open to see cats screeching, someone was fighting Tiger, he looked up to see Raven dragging him across the stone. There he saw Aspen laying, dead on the ground while Butch was fighting a cat from his own clan. This isn't a dream... This is really real life.

Bobtail shook his head to clear it. Suddenly he felt the air and smell of fighting cats, he felt Raven let go of his scruff as he stood up. Bobtail gave one look at Raven and he knew they had to get out of there. Bobtail took one last glance at the battling cats, in that second he heard a screech and Tiger had slashed another cats throat.

"They're all going to die! Tiger is a murderer! " Bobtail yowled at Raven.

"There's no time! If you want to save your own pelt then run!" Raven hissed at Bobtail, his eyes were wide with fear. He realized his cheek was bleeding and his head really hurt. I can't leave them all to die...

"Come on Bob-" Raven began but cut off, "Pine, let's go."

Bobtail looked gratefully at Raven and sighed, he nodded and they began to sprint. Bobtail then skidded to a halt, "What about Aspen!"

"We can worry about her later, we have to go now," Raven told Bobtail as he kept trotting away.

Bobtail nodded and felt a wave of sadness. We'll get her later..

He followed Raven, barely a tail length behind him. "Wait, Raven."

Raven turned around sharply to face Bobtail, "What now?"

Bobtail stared at Raven, "Follow me, I know where to go."

Raven looked at Bobtail for a second then nodded. "Okay."

He nodded and trotted a little faster, he felt Raven's breath on his tail tip. Flower's home, she'll welcome us. Bobtail strode across a twoleg yard quickly and slid under a fence. They were in Flower's yard.

"Twolegs? Are you crazy!?" Raven meowed in surprise as he squeezed through the hole in the fence.

"Yes a twoleg, and my friend Flower," Bobtail reassured him, and he padded up to Flower's twoleg home.

"Who's Flower?" Raven asked as he followed Bobtail.

"In there," Bobtail pointed with his paw, hitting the glass as he did so, to the tan she-cat sunning herself in the twoleg home. Bobtail scratched the glass, her ears perked up and she looked at him and Raven. She relaxed when she recognized him, she padded towards the window tail up high. Flower mouthed some words that they could not hear through the glass. She blinked at them then hopped down, a second later she was walking out the door to greet them.

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