Chapter 15

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Bobtail breathed steadily, he tried to open his eyes but he saw blood, he closed them immediately. He was laying on the wet grass, or was it blood? Bobtail smelled the fox, it was about a tail length away. He blinked, his vision was blurry, he could only see the orange figure of the fox, it was bent down. Bobtail had enough strength to pull his head up and his vision became clearer, the fox was bent over the dead body of Aspen. 

"G-get away from her..." Bobtail struggled to meow, the fox had ignored Bobtail and kept snuffling Aspen's body. The fox is probably eating Aspen now... I can't do anything, my body, it's so weak...

Bobtail could only look at the fox, he could only see Aspen's tail, shredded to pieces. Only the sound of the distant clap of thunder he could hear. 

Suddenly he heard a low growl, it wasn't the fox, it even was startled. Then a gray and white shape launched at the fox, which tumbled in a heap of snarls and fur. Bobtail tried to heave himself up but he hurt all over and all his strength was drained. He clenched his teeth and put his paws firmly onto the ground, his claws began to unsheathe. I need to help... I can't be helpless.

The gray and white cat was on the back of the fox, it's jaws firmly planted on the neck. There was blood everywhere, it stained the white on the cat and on the fox. The cat jumped off spitting and slashing at the fox, the fox then gave up. It backed away and disappeared through the bushes. The cat then lifted its head up, they turned around and looked at Bobtail with a warm gaze. 

"Are you alive?" the she-cat meowed hastily, there was only one light scratch on her left cheek.

"I-I think so," Bobtail struggled to say as he tried to get up. The sun was peeking through the trees, the clouds had let it peek through. The rain dripped off the leaves on the trees, landing on the two cats in the clearing. 

"Can you get up?" The she-cat asked, scanning Bobtail's scratched and bloody fur. 

Bobtail clenched his teeth as he used all his strength to push himself up, "It's h-hard to."

"C'mon kitty, you can get up," The she-cat grunted and licked the small scratch on her shoulder.

Bobtail stared at the gray and white cat, "Who are you?"

"No time for questions!" The she-cat hissed and she scanned the area, "There could be more foxes around."

Bobtail flicked his ear and slowly got up, his muscles ached and the deep scratches the fox left for him burned. The she-cat leaned her thin body on Bobtail to let him keep his footing. The she-cat had an orange collar tightly stuck on her left paw and a somewhat, small piece of metal wedged in her delicate, pink right ear.

"Okay, follow me," the she-cat meowed quickly as she padded ahead of Bobtail.

Bobtail padded up to her, but stopped and looked back. He looked back and Aspen's body was covered in blood, her fur torn up. 

"You'll see her again someday," the she-cat meowed sympathetically, Bobtail turned around and the she-cat was staring at him.

Bobtail's heart lurched and he looked at her green gaze, "What?"

She blinked at Bobtail and her tail flicked, beckoning for him to follow. Bobtail stood, he couldn't move. I'll see her again...? How is that possible, Aspen's dead...

"We don't have all day!" The she-cat meowed angrily. The sudden change in her voice made Bobtail flinch. Why did this strange cat get so mad?

Bobtail followed her, he had no idea where they were going but he was hurt. He thought about going back to Flower and Raven but they were angry with him. Bobtail could feel the warmth of the sun on his back, he squinted his eyes as a light suddenly shone in them. When the she-cat disappeared behind some tall grass the light was gone. What was that?

Once they were out of the grass there was this abandoned alleyway, it was facing a forest. Bobtail looked forward and the rusty metal had been reflecting the sunlight, it was stuck in the she-cat's delicate ear. The she-cat had led him into the alleyway, there was a box in the left corner with a large blanket draped over it. There was also a large trashcan that looked like the one in Bloodclan's alleyway, but it was open and so many scents of food was coming from it. The she-cat padded over to the small card board box, she flicked her tail for him to stay there. Bobtail looked around in the alleyway, the clouds were covering the sky from the recent rainfall, there was the scent of more rain to come. 

Bobtail walked up to the metal door that was at the end of the alleyway, there was a bright light shining from the top of it. Suddenly a clatter could be heard from inside it. Was there twolegs in there?

The she-cat padded out with some green herbs in her mouth, she dropped them beside Bobtail. 

"Don't worry, they won't hurt you, they're friendly," She meowed as she observed Bobtail's damaged body. He could still feel the sting of the scratches he got, but the blood was almost dried up. 

"Clean your wounds, it'll help from infection," the she-cat explained. Bobtail started licking his scratches, the taste of blood fell on his tongue, his belly churned. His body ached all over as he tried to stretch to reach the wounds that he could barely reach. 

"Don't worry about those, I can get them," the she-cat meowed as she started to gently lick the dried blood from his wounds, after a few moments she had put a cold liquid on them. His wounds started to slightly sting more than it did, but it eased after a couple seconds. 

"That feels much better," Bobtail meowed staring at the gray and white she-cat. 

"Good, they should heal in a couple days, you can stay here until they're better," the she-cat meowed and met his gaze. Her green eyes shone brightly as she stared at him, she blinked and looked away. The she-cat then padded over to a small puddle and put her paws in, washing off the green liquid she had put on Bobtail's wounds. Bobtail still felt stiff and the thought of Aspen's body clung to his mind. He couldn't help but regret not being able to protect himself against that fox, he needed to be stronger. 

"Also, don't be too hard on yourself for not being able to scare that fox away," the she-cat meowed lightly as she turned around and padded back to Bobtail. "I saw you, before the fox attacked, you looked fairly weak."

Bobtail grunted, "What do you mean weak?"

"It looked like you were stressed, but maybe you could do with some training," the gray and white she-cat meowed

"Yeah, I guess so," Bobtail sighed. I knew I looked weak, even to a she-cat...

"Rest up, those wounds should heal quickly," she meowed as she hopped up onto one of the stone bricks that was placed against the wall. She stretched and sat down, the last of the sunlight that was seeping through the dark clouds made her white pelt even brighter. Bobtail stepped slowly over to where the she-cat was sitting. He sat below her and looked up at her small figure.

"You never told me, what's your name?" Bobtail asked the she-cat, she was facing the forest then moved to look at him. Her dark green eyes looked lighter in the sun. Bobtail then noticed the small scratches that had been scarred on her muzzle. 

"... My name's Adna."

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