Chapter 7

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"Mom? Why is Pine staying with father?" Flower asked innocently, it had been a couple of hours later since Butch had told them Pine is staying with Bloodclan. Flower didn't understand why Pine would leave his nice twoleg home where he could have a better life, safe with his family. 

"You heard him... Pine has made his decision on wanting to stay there," Lizzy murmured. Lizzy had been sitting on the desk that was near the window and had been looking out into the clearing ever since Butch left. Flower had tried to cheer her mother up but she couldn't quite get into the mood of being happy, she was just as upset and confused as Lizzy was. Flower wiggled her haunches and struggled to get herself on top of the desk where Lizzy was sitting. Lizzy grabbed Flower by the scruff and set her gently down beside her. She licked Flower's soft, peach fur, then she leaned up against Lizzy's fluffy pelt.

"Do you really think Pine made that decision?" Flower questioned, she still felt weary about the idea of Pine wanting to leave her and Lizzy. Flower could tell she had her mother stumped with her question. We never treated Pine badly, in fact, he'd be better off living here...

"I don't know Flower... Your father..." Lizzy spoke, struggled to find the right words.

"Why didn't Pine come tell us himself?" Flower asked, "Mom, if he really wanted to stay there he would, for sure, want to see us one last time."

Flower imagined Butch standing in front of her and Lizzy.  She replayed the exact words he had said to him in her head.

"Pine has made his decision to stay with me, he wished not to come with, as he thought it would be too hard for him to say goodbye face to face."

Flower's heart fluttered again, as it did when she first heard the news. It's just not like Pine to say that, Butch didn't mean it did he?

"Because Flower, Butch is trying to take everything away from me," Lizzy choked, her eyes were glossed with sadness and she pulled Flower closer. 

Flower huffed and struggled to get out of Lizzy's tight grasp, "So you're not going to do anything about it?" Flower had never felt so angry towards her mother, she was acting helpless.

"I-," Before Lizzy could get one word out, Flower stood angrily and squeaked.

"Why don't we just take him back? I'm small enough to sneak in there and grab him, and you could wait outside and pick him up there!" Flower's eyes shone with excitement and determination to get her brother back.

Flower stood disappointed when Lizzy didn't say a word, "Fine, then I'll just do it myself."

Lizzy is acting just like a kit who can't find their way back home!  Flower thought frustrated as she clumsily hopped down to the floor. She didn't look back to see if Lizzy was following her, if Lizzy wasn't going to help her get Pine back, she'd have to do it herself. Flower couldn't believe how silly Lizzy was being. She pushed through the flap in the door and she opened her mouth to smell. I can still smell Butch's scent! I can track him and find where Pine is!  Flower trotted away from the twoleg home and made it to the fence at the end of the clearing. She found the hole that Butch and Pine exited the day before. Flower ducked and her tiny head popped up on the other side, it felt like her heart skipped a beat when she saw what was on the other side of the fence. I didn't know it was so big! So many twoleg dens! Suddenly there was a loud rumbling noise, Flower's fur stood up when a big shiny beast flew past her, only a heartbeat after, it was followed by another.

"Flower!" Flower recognized her mother's voice, Flower immediately darted out from the hole. She breathed, pressing herself against the other side of the fence, hoping Lizzy wouldn't see her. Flower then heard claws scraping against wood, before she could blink Lizzy hopped down in front of Flower.

"You are not leaving on a rescue mission, you can't do it on your own," Lizzy meowed, there was sorrow in her voice.

"So you're coming with me then?" Flower asked hopefully. Finally she's not acting like a mouse-brain!

"No," Lizzy said simply, Flower's heart dropped, "We're not going at all."

"But why? Don't you care about Pine?" Flower squeaked her fur bristling.

Lizzy didn't say anything as she grabbed Flower by the scruff. Flower struggled to get away and clawed the air. Lizzy hopped onto the fence and held Flower firmly in her grasp, careful to not drop her on the way down. Lizzy landed lightly onto the soft grass and carried Flower back into the twoleg den, she padded quickly over to the small nest they all used to sleep in. She set Flower gently down and licked her fur flat.

Flower stared into Lizzy's dark green eyes, she could not tell any emotion in them. Flower looked to her side and saw the stuffed gray mouse that Lizzy had brought to the two kits when they were first born. Flower's eyes glossed with sadness and she curled around the mouse, it still smelled of her brother. Flower could still feel the presence of Lizzy sitting behind her as tears rose in her eyes.

"You are too young to understand," Lizzy meowed quietly to Flower, she then turned her head to meet her mother's gaze.

"What don't I understand?" Flower whimpered and got onto all four paws, "You could at least try to help me understand, Pine's my brother and that's the closest thing I have to a friend. I can't let him go just like that."

"Because Flower! You have no idea what Butch has done! We can't go after Pine, both our lives will be at stake. Butch is a killer!" Lizzy spat and then shook her head trying to calm down, "I'm sorry my dear kit. But the truth is, is that Butch probably told Pine some made up story of how we are the enemy."

Flower stood astonished by what Lizzy had said. Butch, a killer? Flower thought, the day Butch took Pine away, he had hurt Lizzy. That explains it...

"Let Pine do this on his own, he will realize where he truly belongs after he's had enough of that place," Lizzy sighed and stepped into the nest with Flower. Flower's heart was beating fast as she was trying to comprehend all what Lizzy was saying. 

"So, if Butch is a killer." Flower turned around to face Lizzy, she had laid down and was waiting for Flower to continue,"If he is, don't you think he would hurt Pine?"

Lizzy shook her head confidently, "If I'd known he would hurt my kits, I wouldn't have had a family with him."

Flower stared at Lizzy uncertainly, she still had many questions that needed to be answered. Flower slowly walked over to Lizzy and laid down beside her, Lizzy's fluffy, soft fur eased her. She still wondered why her mother had chosen Butch as a mate, what was so special about him? Did Lizzy do something to urge Butch's decision in taking Pine away? And when will I be able to be reunited with my brother again?

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