I was dumbstruck and was was completely caught off guard. The man sitting behind the desk, and apparently my dean, was the man I have been purposely avoiding since I was sixteen. That man was Sebastian Avery.
Let me explain, my parents have been friends with the Averys' since they all met in college. My mom, Linda Gold, met Elizabeth Avery (at the time Elizabeth Brown) when they were in eigth grade. The girls were such best friends that they remained close throughout their lives. Thus said, once they both had boyfriends in college they all went on double dates. Eventually John Gold and Tom Avery proposed to their girlfriends and became married. The four were all close friends and moved close to each other and even had kids around the same time.
Sebastian Avery was born on December 24th, 1994. I was born one year later on August 23rd, 1995. When we were kids, Sebastian and I were best friends. We attended the same school and we were always together. Our friendship was stong until junior year of high school. That's when Mike Louis asked me to homecoming. I said yes because we were friends through Spanish class and I wanted it to turn into something more.
I was unaware at the time that Sebastian had feelings for me that were stonger than just being friends. I didn't know but soon found out that Sebastian had talked to Mike and told him to stay away from me. The next day at school, Mike came in with a black eye and told me he couldn't go to homecoming with me because of his Aunt's wedding that he forgot about.
Later my friends heard the gossip about what really happened to Mike and why he couldn't go with me. They shared it with me and I was furious at Sebastian.
I was putting my books away in my locker when my friend, Katie, walked over to me. "Ash, I have something to tell you and it might make you upset but I'm just trying to protect you."
I looked at her intrested, me and Katie had no secrets so I was curious to what she had to say.
"I was talking to George, Mike's best friend, and he said that Sebastian Avery warned Mike not to talk to you again or he'll hurt him. Then when Mike didn't agree right away, Seb punched him and said there'd be more of that if he didn't stay away from you or something."
"Wait Katie, are you sure about this? That makes no sense because why would Seb do something like that? I don't think he has even punched anyone before." We started walking to our next class together.
"I know it may be hard to believe, and there's a small chance that it might not be true, but Ash I just wanted to tell you to make sure you knew what was happening. Besides I believe it because Seb has had the biggest crush on you since forever." I widen my eyes and almost stopped walking.
"Kaite, there's no way he likes me! We've been friends since birth and I couldn't even imagine him liking me!"
"Okay whatever, I'm just telling you what I see," we arrived at our class and sat in our seats. The last two periods zoomed by because I was consumed about what Katie told me.
Sebastian always drives me home after school because he was a senior and had a parking space, while us juniors weren't allowed them. I put my books in my bag and started walking towards his car. The walk was fast because I was thinking about what to say to him. When I got to his black range rover he was already waiting in the driver's seat.
I placed my books in back and sat down in passenger seat.
"Hey Ash how's it going?" I guess this was the time to tell him about the rumor I heard. It didn't make sense to worry about something I didn't know was true.
"Actually not too good. My homecoming date cancled on me today and I'm really upset because I already bought my dress and made my hair appointment." We had a 15 minute drive home so I decided I would beat around the bush before I straight out asked him.

Chasing Gold
Подростковая литератураAshley Gold has spent years avoiding her childhood family friend, Sebastian Avery. And when they meet again, Ashley still wants nothing to do with Seb. However, he's loved her ever since high school and he always makes it clear that he wants her. Le...