On the way to Rabbit, I also pick up Sydney and Alicia. We chat for the car ride there and then we bounce out and walk right up to the bouncer."Can I see some ID ladies?" The gruff looking man says, then Alicia and Sydney pull out their real IDs while mine is fake. "Looks good. Go in." Wow he must really not like his job because he is in no way friendly!
"Hey Ash, Alicia! Let's get some shots and then go dancing." Yells Sydney. I simply nod and smile because the music is so loud and pounding into my ears. We get to the bar and right away an attractive man buys Alicia a drink. Sydney and I look at each other and simply raise our eyebrows and laugh because she'll be having a good time tonight.
After taking our shots of tequila two guys approach us. "Hey, I'm Erik and this is Dave. You girls looked a little lonely and we were wondering if you wanted to dance?"
"Yes Erik and Dave we would love to." Sydney said while pulling my arm so I would get out of my seat.
The man named Dave held out his hand so I grabbed it and we went dancing into the middle of the floor. Song after song he kept bringing his hands up higher and higher from my hips so I would have to grab them and place his hands back on my hips. However, he didn't stop moving north and I was getting tired of him trying to feel me up. After awhile I could feel Dave's friend get a little too excited. That's when I yelled to him that I was going to go to the bathroom.
Maybe that was mean because I wasn't planning on coming back but Dave was creeping me out. Instead of going to the bathroom I made sure that Dave couldn't see me and I returned back at the bar. I ordered another shot from the bartender and he told me that another gentleman already paid for it.
"Wait who?"
"He asked me not to say sweetheart."
"Come on bartender.. You have to tell me! Or I'm just going to be scared because there's a random guy who likes me in here."
He laughed, "Okay okay fair enough," he said while holding up his hands. Then he pointed over my shoulder and said, "The man over there wearing the white t-shirt with the brown hair."
"Thanks Mr. Bartender" then, after downing my shot, I turned around in my chair to see who bought me the drink. When I found the man with the white t-shirt, the only word I could think of was fuck. And that's when Sebastian smiled and waved me over.
I"m back guys!! I started up with this story again and forgot about how much I like it. Sorry for the short chapter but I am uploading another part very soon!
Also, please vote and comment because it lets me know that you guys like the story! Also, it's super easy to hit that like button! If you ever want to comment on grammar or spelling mistakes go ahead because that would help me and I can go and fix them!
Thanks for reading! :)

Chasing Gold
Ficção AdolescenteAshley Gold has spent years avoiding her childhood family friend, Sebastian Avery. And when they meet again, Ashley still wants nothing to do with Seb. However, he's loved her ever since high school and he always makes it clear that he wants her. Le...