Lobolita: Chapter 2

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“So would anyone like to tell me the rest of the story or will I have to figure it out myself?” Jason and I looked at each other and I knew since he told the first half of the story it was my turn.

 “Well it all started when I lost Cameron in the forest…”


I finally got my well-earned rest. Mum didn't take the news too well about how I crawled back to the village. Yes I didn't tell about the human boy. She would have definitely flip out if she knew and I was planning on keeping it quiet. I'm surprised she even bought it.

Cameron wasn't up for the idea but after a lot of bribing and blackmail, he agreed to not tell. My leg was still sore but not as it was before and I could feel it slowly starting to heal.

I took in my surroundings and noticed I was in my bedroom, in PJ's. I guess Cameron carried me up and mum changed me. Well I hope mum was the one that changed me...

I swung my legs over the bed and looked at my broken leg. The bleeding had slowed down, so there wasn't much of it. I tried standing on it, gripping on to the bedhead. I placed my non-broken leg on the floor and started to rise up of the bed, next I put my other leg down. It was fine at first but that was until I put my full weight on it and a jolt of pain rushed through me.

I fell back on to the bed, falling flat on my back. Well I guess I'm not going anywhere for a while... I left my legs dangling off the edge and raised myself up just enough for me to reach my phone on the bedside table. I had 2 missed calls and 3 messages, all from the one and only, Cameron. I opened up the texts which were both asking how I was doing.

Me: Hey, sorry I just woke up but yeah I feel alright my leg still hurts when I stand. So I guess I'm stuck lying in bed all day. Come over? :)

Not long after my phone vibrated that I got a text and I opened it from Cameron.

Cam: With movies and snacks? ;)

Me: You know me so well! Haha

Cam: Haha! I'm on my way.

Ahh, that's the joy of having Cameron as a best friend, he just knows me so well. I put my phone back on the table and swung my legs back on to the bed. I snuggled myself back into the blankets and stared at the ceiling. Well, this is fun...

Not a moment too soon, Cameron walked through the door with snacks and movies in hand. He jumped on to my bed, spilling the stuff in his hands everywhere. I glared at him and he just smiled and picked up one of the movies and walked over to the TV and put it on.

"So what movie are we watching?"

"Fast and The Furious" I rolled my eyes and opened a pack of chips. Why did I even bother asking? Every time he comes over or I go to his. He always puts this movie on because he feels like he'll turn "cool" watching it. Yeah right...

He walked back over and once again jumped onto the bed. Only earning a glare from me but he shrugged it off, grabbing a hand full of chips and shoving it in his mouth. I swear he's half pig too!


After about 3 movies, Cameron had fallen asleep with chip crumbs and lollies all over him. I brushed them off and pulled the blanket up under his chin. Sleeping in the same bed wasn't a big deal since we've been having sleepovers when we were 5.

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