Chapter 1

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I awoke surrounded by trees. There was a throbbing pain in the back of my head, and I felt around there gently, probing a newly forming bump.

Okay, I thought to myself, I've obviously hit my head on something hard.

I sat up and felt my head grow dizzy. I sat there for a few seconds as the dizziness wore off. I stood up and gripped the nearest tree for dear life as the dizziness came back. My vision started to fade and I cursed myself. How had I gotten into this mess?

I looked around, trying to see past the thick wall of evergreens. I couldn't see anything indicating how deep into the forest I was, so I closed my eyes and listened for something. I heard nothing. No cars, birds, or squirrels; not even the rustling of the trees. I panicked, clawing my nails into the bark of the tree. This was too quiet for me, and I started to feel dizzy again.

I dug my nails into that tree so hard I thought they'd start to bleed. That was, until something pulled me back and flung me to the ground. I screamed, squeezed my eyes shut, and curled into a ball. Whatever it was slowly walked over to me and knelt down. It stroked my hair and I squealed.

"Don't be scared, dear. I'm not going to kill you. Yet."

His voice was deep and raspy, as if he hadn't had a drink of water in days. He laughed maniacally and walked away. I kept my eyes closed for a few seconds, then dared to open them. There he was, leaning against the tree I had just clung to. He was as pale as death, and his eyes had no lids, only burnt rings around them. His mouth was cut open on the sides to form a smile. He stared at me as I did the same, and we stayed that way. I didn't dare say anything, for fear that I would burst into tears. He stayed silent, for reasons that I had no clue of.

I blinked, and he pulled his hand from behind his back, holding a knife. He started cleaning his fingernails with it. Finally, I grew the courage to speak.

"Who are you?"

He never took his gaze from mine, but now he actually looked like he was paying attention to me. He studied my curled form, taking a long time to answer my question.

"Jeff. The Killer. I'm sure you've never heard of me, seeing your taste in clothes."

I ripped my eyes from his, to assess my clothes. I was wearing a cashmere pink sweater, a present from my grandma, and hollister skinny jeans. I didn't think there was anything wrong with them. But no, I hadn't heard of Jeff the Killer.

I looked at him again, and a feeling of dread fell over me.

"How did I get here? Where am I?"

"No where of importance. Now; you know me, but I don't know you. Tell me your name."

I looked toward his knife and I started panicking. He said he wasn't going to kill me yet. Either way, I was going to die tonight.

"That's n-nothing of imp-portance," I stuttered, trying - and failing - to copy his tone.

He chuckled coldly and rushed over to me. He grabbed my hair and pulled me up off the ground. As soon as I got to my feet he wrapped an arm around me and used the other arm to put the knife to my neck, cutting flesh. I felt blood trickle down and I whimpered.

"Tell me your name, you stupid girl," he hissed in my ear.

"Miranda!" I choked out.

"I suggest you do as I say, and maybe you'll keep yourself from getting harmed, Miranda."

He let me go and I dropped to the ground. I fell on my hands and knees, my fingertips stinging. I lifted my hands and discovered my nails were bleeding. Stupid tree. I looked up as Jeff came up in front of me. He kneeled down and looked at me. His greasy black hair hung in his face, and I struggled to look at the ground instead of in his eyes; Those lidless burnt eyes. But he pushed my chin up with his knife, forcing me to look at him.

"You humans are so disgusting. You're cowards."

"I may be disgusting, but I'm not a killer. I don't bring innocent girls into the forest to kill them!"

He laughed and stood up. He kicked my ribs, and I felt something crack. I fell to the ground, holding my side. I felt a tear escape and Jeff kicked my back.

"Go to sleep!" he yelled.

He brought the knife to my back, pulled it back and - I cried out. He paused and I bit my lip and searched for the cause of his hesitation. There it was, the sound of voices.

"HELP!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

The voices stopped and Jeff turned to me and stabbed my face. I felt the tip of the knife pierce my teeth, scrape them, before he pulled it out and started to run.

"I'll be back for you, Miranda!"

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