Chapter 5

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I woke up to my alarm today, and smelled the coffee from down the hall. I quickly dressed and went to the bathroom. I painstakingly brushed my knotted auburn hair and did my makeup. I was always told my blue eyes were my best feature, so i made them stand out to distract from everything else. I made sure each blemish was covered, my bags were hidden, and my eyeliner was perfect. Then I looked down towards my mouth. How long would I need to keep bandages on? At least a week, I remembered.

"Stupid doctors," I complained aloud.

I half expected Jeff to be behind me with some stupid remark, but the bathroom was empty. I replaced the bandage and went to get coffee. But the coffeepot wasn't on, and there was no coffee in it. What the hell? Where was that smell coming from?

Oh, fuck!

I ran into the living room and saw the hood of Jeff's white hoodie. He had a starbucks coffee in his hand, and another sat in front of him on the table. His knife was sitting next to it, bloody and disgusting.

"Come sit with me, Mandy," he said without looking, patting the couch.

I tentatively sat next to him and he handed me the coffee. I blew on it and took a sip. It tasted good, and had the perfect amount of half&half and sugar. He had paid attention yesterday.

"You're very naive," he said.


"You're naive. I could've poisoned that and no one would've known it was me," he explained, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Yeah, I know, but I figured if you wanted to kill me you wouldn't have gone out and bought this coffee for me."

"Oh, Mandy," he said, laughing, "I didn't buy it. I made the workers make me these and then I killed them."

I froze and turned to look at him. How could he talk about that so lightly? But then again, he had tried to kill me. I should be afraid of Jeff, of his burnt eyes and cut open smile. But I wasn't afraid. Of course, I was definitely nervous. But afraid? Not really.

"Don't call me Mandy," I said, remembering my dream.

He shrugged and scooted closer to me. We quietly sipped our coffee, but I noticed a wild look in his eyes. He really was crazy, I decided, and I had to watch my back. He got up suddenly and extended his hand.

"What?" I asked.

"You have to go to school right? I'll take you."

"I can't go to school with you," I laughed.

"And why not?"

I felt my mean bitch slither up and did nothing to push it back down. I stood up, ignoring his hand, and he backed away.

"I can't go to school with you, because I can't be seen with you. You're disgusting, and ugly, and you hurt to look at. Have you even seen your face recently? If people saw me with you, they'd wonder why I was hanging out with such a freak. And yeah, you are a freak."

His eyes showed hurt, then anger. He stepped back into my face, but I didn't move.

"You're going to regret you ever said that. You think you can talk to me like that and get away with it? I can kill you faster than you can blink, and you wouldn't even see it coming. You'll regret this, you selfish bitch. Just wait."

He stormed out the front door, and I sagged in relief. I drank the rest of my coffee quickly, then left for school.

-- -- --


Somebody crashed into me, and my sides moaned in pain.

"Oops, sorry, forgot about your ribs. But I missed you sooo much!"

The person that attacked me happened to be my best friend Georgia. She told me the whole school had known about my incident. Everyone gathered in the auditorium to wish me luck in healing. I felt uncomfortable with all these people focusing on me. It was like this the rest of the day, people coming up to me and explaining why they didn't come over. I didn't really care. I just wanted to get out of here.

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