Chapter 6

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I got home, ran to my room and flung my stuff to the ground. I booted up my laptop and tapped my feet impatiently as it loaded. As soon as it did I immediately went to google and typed in "Jeff the Killer". The first site was a thing called creepypasta. What the hell was that? I read the story of him killing the two boys and being burned alive. His mouth and his eyelids... he did that to himself? How could he kill his family? I sat there, stunned as the information soaked in. Was this true? Was he really insane? He seemed perfectly normal when he was around me.

I didn't have the chance to ask him though, because he didn't come back for three days. I knew he wasn't around, because I didn't get the feeling of being watched.

On his fourth day of disappearing, I was curled up on the couch reading a book. I didn't know he was behind me until he had his knife pressed to my Adam's apple. It hurt to swallow, so I didn't bother trying to talk.

"You should be on your guard," he hissed, again too close to my face.

"I shouldn't have to be on my guard," I dared to whisper.

He laughed curtly, "Do you think I'm the only one like me? I'm not your only threat, silly girl."

I didn't respond, and that seemed to please him. He put the knife away and jumped over the back of the couch, plopping down next to me.

"So what are we gonna do today, mortal?"

I glared at him and turned back to my book. I could feel his gaze piercing my head, as if he wanted my hair to catch on fire.

"You're gonna ignore me?"

I nodded and he ripped the book from my grasp.

"Hey! Give that back!"

He glared at me and I froze.

"You're in no position to demand from me, little girl. Besides, it's time for your favor. Unless you want me to kill your precious little mommy."

I sighed and slumped over in defeat. I'd have to deliver this guys package, whether I wanted to or not. Jeff noticed my surrender and took my hands. I immediately tried to pull away, but he was stronger than me.

"I need you to deliver it to this guy personally. I can't be with you, but I'll be watching you, making sure he doesn't hurt you."

"What? This guy's gonna hurt me? You never said anything about that! You're putting me in danger!"

He pulled me closer to him, so close I could feel his breath on my lips. His raspy voice was hot on my cheeks.

"Did you forget, I can kill you any time I want? If I was going to put you in harm's way, I would've done it already."

His burnt eyes bore into mine, and I felt myself starting to shake. I had been getting comfortable with this monster, letting my guard down. He tried to kill me, and he would again. I knew, as soon as this favor was finished, he would finish me. Why did I keep forgetting that? My vision started to go black, and I felt myself falling backwards. Jeff let go of my hands and lifted me by my shoulders instead.

"Miranda? What's wrong?"

His hands were cold as they gripped my shoulder, and I shook harder. I was so close to this inhuman... thing, and I started to hyperventilate. I started to scream, and Jeff dropped me and ran as my mom barged out of her room. I fainted before she could reach me, but I knew I was a sight to be seen.

-- -- --

I woke up in the stark white of the hospital room. I sat up, but didn't feel dizzy. I took that as a good sign and looked around to find the familiar room empty. I pulled the tubing out of my arm and swung my legs over the edge of the bed. I stood up and a dizzy feeling washed over me again. I gripped the bed and somebody jumped down from the ledge of the window.

"I'd take it easy if I were you," Jeff said softly.

I just stared, recalling what had happened.

"You had a panic attack," he murmured, "and I caused it."

He had pain in his eyes, something I had never seen in him. He cared about me, I realized.

"Is it true about your family? You killed them. And you were set on fire, and your eyes... you did that."

He looked to the ground and I knew it was true. The sadness in his eyes made me think he regretted what he did. But if the story was true, he was also crazy. Although he didn't seem crazy right now, he had before.

"I can't be around you, Jeff. You're crazy and I can't handle another panic attack. My mom is already worried sick about me."

He lifted his eyes to mine again and I thought I saw a tear forming. He wiped it away and his face grew angry.

"You still owe me! We had a deal, and if you don't fufill your promise, I will kill you and your entire family. I'm not one to cross, but apparently you haven't realized that. Stupid bitch."

"If you're really gonna kill me, go ahead! There's no one around, do it!"

His whole face contorted into some ugly wrinkled... thing. I had pissed him off, and it was a miracle he actually didn't kill me right there. Instead he jumped out the window, and I was left to wonder if he would come back this time.

Why do you care? Like you said, if he really wanted to kill you, he would've done it.

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