Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 - The Aftermath

'What just happened?' Harry's head swarm with fuzziness as he tried to gather all of his scattered thoughts. Severus grunted from beside him and then uncharacteristically flopped backwards. Harry wiped his forehead and laid back down next to Severus.

"Are you okay?" Harry whispered, knowing Severus would hear him anyway. Severus nodded before opening his mouth and moving it as if he was trying to speak.

Harry sat up and helped Severus to sit up also. He reached forwards and wiped away some sweat from Severus's forehead before tucking a loose strand of hair behind his ear.

"You need a feed, don't you?" Harry guessed as he moved to sit beside Severus. He got a small nod in return and he turned Severus's head towards his. "You are going to be fine. Don't worry."

Severus nodded again and moved his head slowly towards Harry's neck, hovering over his skin, gathering up his courage to bite his superiors' neck.

"Go ahead," Harry whispered, squeezing the hand he held slightly, giving encouragement to his mate. He could feel the worry his mate held.

Severus, with one last second of hesitation, softly bit into Harry's neck and begun softly sucking the warm, heavenly taste of his blood into his mouth. He groaned as the sweet tasting liquid past his mouth, and started to fill his body with a warm tingling sensation.

After a while, Harry put his hands onto Severus chest and gentle applied some pressure. Severus got the message and stopped feeding, he licked the wounds closed and sat back, looking down at the bed.

"It's okay, Sev. Don't feel ashamed. Feel proud," Harry spoke soothingly as he leaned forwards and started feeding for himself. He didn't drink as long as Severus did because he had more control over his intake.

He pulled back, licked the wounds closed, laid down and pulled Severus with him. They both lay there, listening to the small sounds of different things in the castle. Severus closed his eyes and slowly drifted to sleep while Harry stayed awake because he wasn't tired. Surprisingly he wasn't too exhausted from the experience of the bonding. But obviously Severus was.

The morning slowly came around. Harry got out of bed to use the bathroom and Severus stirred a bit, but didn't fully wake up. While Harry used the bathroom, Severus became alert of everything that was happening. He could hear things he would have never heard before.

When Harry came back into the room, Severus got up and walked over to him. They both embraced each other and soaked in the strange warmth they both felt. Severus placed a kiss on top of Harry's head and let go of him so he could use the bathroom.

Harry walked over and sat on their bed. Their bed... That's weird to think like that now. Anyway...

Harry looked around the room before deciding to check up on Henry. So he summoned his little fluff ball. The little fluff ball appeared and started waddling around on the bed. Harry smiled and picked up his baby, cradling him against his chest and rubbing the top of the tiny head. Contempt quackes came from Henry which made Harry smile.

"How are you, Henry?" Harry cooed, not expecting an answer but still saying it anyway. "Are you hungry?"

Henry quacked louder and Harry set him down on the bed before summoning some breakfast for Henry.  A little dish of lettuce, cut weeds and grass popped into the room in front of Harry. He remembered to wet the greens this time before he placed the bowl closer to Henry.

The little fluff ball waddled curiously over to the dish and looked up at Harry. Harry made a gesture to the dish and smiled warmly. Henry quacked before eating the greens.

"Are you going to be so cute like that when and if we have children?" Severus chuckled from where he stood, leaning against the bathroom door frame.

Harry blushed and nodded while staring at Henry. He glanced over at Severus and smiled goofily.

"You're already thinking of children? Wow Severus! Seriously, we bond and you are already thinking of the future," cheekily giggled Harry.

Severus, with an amused expression on his face, walked over to Harry and before he knew it, Harry was being pinned down and tickled by Severus.

"Severus!" shouted Harry, wildly laughing. "No! No! Stooooooooop! I... Hate... Being... Tickled!" he managed to shout into between fits of laughter.

After a few more seconds of torture, Severus got up and gathered his clothes. Harry sat up and glared at Severus, pretending to be mad and angry but failing miserably.

"I'm having a shower. Do you want to join or do you want to keep looking after Henry?"

Harry decided to have a shower after Severus and spend his time with Henry for a bit.

"We can go for a walk or something after we both have had a shower," Severus said over his shoulder, already making his way into the bathroom to get ready for his shower.

"Okay, sounds like a plan," chuckled Harry, turning his attention back to Henry who had just finished eating his breakfast.

Reaching over, Henry was picked up and cradled against Harry's chest. The little duckling made itself comfortable while Harry banished the empty bowl and laid back down on the bed. Once he was lying down, Henry moved to lay where Harry's heart would still be beating. He chuckled, closed his eyes and gently rubbed his little yellow fluff ball's head.

I'm going to leave it here. Next chapter will kick off with Severus and Harry out on their little walk. Peace out my Chicken Nuggets!

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