Chapter 43

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Severus turned over in bed and wrapped his arms around Harry. He pulled him closer and kissed the top of his head. Severus studied Harry's peaceful face while he slept and thought of how cute he was. Then Severus started to think of how lucky he was to have an amazing mate to take care of and receive love from. 

"I can sense it you know? And hear some words," Harry mumbled under his breathe.

"Mmmmh," Severus hummed. "What did you hear?"

"Something about me being cute while sleeping and how you are lucky to have me," Harry mumbled without opening his eyes.

"Yeah I thought of something along those lines like that," Severus chuckled, observing his mate.

"Firstly, I'm not cute when I sleep," Harry said rolling on to his back and stretching. "Secondly, yes you are a lucky man to have me."

Harry opened his eyes and turned his head to Severus, a sweet smile on his face. 

"But I'm also lucky to have you," Harry said which made Severus smile back.

"We haven't really been working on our mental bond," Severus said after a few seconds of silence.

"Yeah, we haven't," Harry chuckled. "But that's okay. We have the rest of our time to work on it once I've finished studying."

"I," Severus started but stopped.

"What?" Harry rolled back over to face Severus. He lifted his hand and touched Severus's chest. "Is everything okay?"

"I think I had a dream," Severus said slowly, grabbing Harry's hand with one of his. "But it felt more like a vision and real than a dream."

"What did you see?" Harry asked with concern dripping throughout his voice.

"You and Xavier in our lounge room talking," Severus said looking deeply into Harry's eyes. "You ordered the man to  be killed. But then you also found out that some clan members died after an attack. I think you knew one in particular. I could feel it all Harry. I could feel all the emotions you felt. The anger, the protectiveness, the passion, the sadness, the depression, the hurt.... I felt it all."

Harry stayed silent after Severus was done talking. Severus moved some hair out of Harry's face before gently rubbing the side of his face.

"I can feel it even now," Severus said, pulling his hand away and touching near Harry's heart.

"It's because it actually happened. Everything you saw and heard happened last night after I put you to bed," Harry paused, a tear sliding down his face. "I knew Glart who didn't make it."

"Oh Harry," Severus said. "I'm sorry my dear."

Severus pulled Harry to his chest as Harry started to sob. Severus tried to soothe his mate by rubbing his back and humming gently. After a couple of minutes, Harry settled down and wiped his eyes dry.

"Thank you," Harry whispered, looking up at Severus.

"That's perfectly alright," Severus said as he leaned down to kiss Harry.

"I can tell you are hungry," Harry said as he pulled away.

"I am indeed," Severus chuckled.

Harry sat up and Severus followed. Severus lent forward and attached his fangs onto Harry's neck. He begun to feed, pulling away after being satisfied. He licked the wound closed and placed a gentle kiss on the spot.

"That," Severus begun as he wiped his mouth from little dribbled. "That tasted different."

"Xavier did tell me that sometimes moods can effect the taste of blood," Harry started to explain. "Since I am feeling pretty sad, I think my blood has changed a bit."

"That's understandable," Severus said, getting ready for Harry to feed off of him. "Never heard of it before though."

"Not common knowledge unless you're a vampire," Harry chuckled. 

"Your turn," Severus said gently and lent towards Harry slightly, exposing his neck.

"I'm not really hungry right now with everything going on," Harry sighed.

"I'll let you get away with it this morning," Severus started as he got out of bed. "But tonight you have to feed."

"Okay," Harry sighed.

"Are you sure you are up for classes?" Severus asked.

"I think I need to go," Harry got out of bed and magically dressed himself. "Get my mind off of things."

"I understand," Severus said as he lent down to give Harry a kiss. He pulled Harry into a hug. "Have a good day and make sure to come and see me if you need anything. Okay?"

"Yes," Harry gave Severus one more kiss. "Thank you Sevy."

"That's alright," Severus said as he let go and walked into the bathroom for a shower.

Harry sighed one last time before heading out of their chambers and went up to the Great Hall to join his friends for breakfast.

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