chapter 16

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Everyone was now on a free time for the time being. Sci-Twi wandered outside and looked to the Humane Six as they were in front of the Canterlot High statue.

Fluttershy made sure no one was watching her, when she saw no one, she unzipped her backpack and nuzzled her face against a purring cat's. She then heard something moving in the bushes to see Sci-Twi and Atticus. She smiled to them. "Do one of you wanna give her a treat?" she offered politely.

Sci-Twi stared at her pendant, but she decided to come over to Fluttershy. "Guess we're not the only ones to smuggle our pets into school." she said, taking off her backpack."

"Not just one." Fluttershy smiled as she opened more to show the cat, a bunny, a bird, and a hamster.

"Good old Fluttershy." Atticus smiled.

Without Sci-Twi noticing, Patch came over, changing to his Dalmatian puppy form.

"Oh, wow, all I have is Spike." Sci-Twi said, unzipping her backpack to show her purple puppy.

"It really is uncanny," Fluttershy was impressed with the likeness that this dog Spike had with the one she knew. "Does he talk?"

"Um... Not that I know of." Sci-Twi replied, that was a strange question to her.

"Congratulations on winning by the way, but it didn't really seem like anybody else on your team, besides you and Atticus, were very excited about it." Fluttershy frowned.

"Yeah, they could have show at least some excitement." Atticus said.

"No one at Crystal Prep gets excited about anything they didn't do themselves..." Sci-Twi rubbed her arm.

"That sounds awful." Fluttershy frowned.

Sci-Twi looked away sadly. Atticus looked sad, not knowing of what he could do to cheer her up, until he had an idea along with Fluttershy. Fluttershy reached into her bag and took out her bunny.

"Seems nicer in this world." Atticus whispered.

"Angel Bunny is the best bunny there is." Fluttershy smiled.

"He sure seems like it he's also the cutest bunny there is." Atticus awed.

Sci-Twi looked to them.

"Here, hold this." Fluttershy held out her bunny.

"Uh, why?" Sci-Twi tilted her head before holding her hands out.

"Holding a bunny always makes me feel better." Fluttershy knelt down with a smile.

"Yeah, go on, try it." Atticus smiled.

Sci-Twi took the bunny gently, but failed to see the point. "Well, that's ridiculous, but--"

Angel smiled and nuzzled against her chest.

This made Sci-Twi smile. "It actually kind of works!" she then nuzzled the bunny back, but then noticed that Fluttershy was helping her, which puzzled her. "I'm on the other team and you just lost... Why are you being so nice to me?"

"You look like you needed it." Fluttershy smiled before she began to glow and pony up.

"Whoa!" Sci-Twi freaked out. Her pendant then glowed with Fluttershy and a golden yellow mist fused from Fluttershy and sucked into the pendant.

Various portals opened up and one made a jackalope hop out. Spike growled at the bunny with antlers and started to chase it through the portals.

"SPIKE!" Sci-Twi yelled for her pet.

Another stream of magic then seemed to appear and it came from Patch and his medallion and was going into the pendant as well. Spike hopped near Patch and the magical surge zapped both of the dogs and they fell in Fluttershy's arms.

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