It was black and has everything I need and I lost it today😢. They collected our school iPads for Winter Break. And I'm not kidding I literally cried. So, Mr. Zich said "Bring your iPad up, Camree" and I walked up and wrote my passcode, 0614 (I don't care if I told you my passcode, everyone knows it and I don't feel like changing it, I have the same passcodes for all three devices), I at he'd as he turned it on and on the screen flashed the Rooney family in their winter getup with bored look on their faces except Karen who was excited and then he slid the screen and typed the passcode I put on the paper and it went through and it showed the Duncan's hiding from a dove and I walked away to my desk and plugged my headphones in and listened to Spotify to cheer me up. I cried my eyes out!! Such a saddening moment!! I mean I know I have my iPad mini and my phone but still, Carlee always takes my devices away from me and uses it. I guess I have to enforce it that she can't use it!! I'm going to tell her no, no matter how anxious she is to get it!!