Car Crash

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Now, Jordan and Bridget, I know you said I shouldn't post this on Wattpad but, nothing interesting ever happens to me so this is the best I got! So, when I was at Lunch, me and Bridget and Jordan were talking and then we heard this loud sound! I kept talking because I've learned to just ignore that stuff. Then Bridget (or Jordan, I can't remember) pointed that there was a car crash in the road right by where we were (well, not super close, more than a mile). A red car had crashed into a white city truck. It totaled the front. There was someone laying in the ground. This was like, the most interesting thing that has ever happened at school. All the students were lined up by the fence, Ms. Adams was telling them to back away. Then it was time to go inside. I had Language Arts. Midway through, Ms. Morse got a phone call, hung up and said "I gotta go, I know the person in the crash" and I didn't hear anymore from her because she didn't come back until after my class period was over!

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