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'You're crazy, you know that?'
I showed Ben out, stepping out of the house into the cold. Behind us our friends were still laughing and drinking champagne, celebrating their success of getting us back together. I started shivering and Ben put his arms around me.
'I'd done anything to get you back.', he whispered into my hair, kissing it softly.
I looked up, smiling. For a while he just stared into my eyes, a serious expression on his face.
'I love you, you know?'
I didn't react immediately. It was a clear night. The moonlight shimmered in his eyes, letting them shine in a billion different colours. For a moment I just got lost in them, like they were a whole different universe. Then, without even thinking about it, I whsipered back:
'I love you, too.'
He smiled brightly and only now I realized what I had just said. But I didn't regret it. I felt like I had never meant anything as much as the meaning of these three words.
'You have never actually said that before.'
'I know.'
He leaned down and kissed me. Slowly and soft, as if I was something really precious he was scared of harming.
When we pulled back I suddenly felt the cold again, making me wrap my arms around me.
'You're right, better get inside before you catch a cold.'
He walked towards his car, but then turned around once more.
'Just one more thing though... Could we keep this private for a while? It's just that...'
He started blushing.
Why do I find this incredibly cute right now?
'I want you just for myself for a while, without having to share you with the public, without their opinion on everything. Just you and me. If that's okay with you?'
'Of course.' I smiled and stood there silently until his car had disappeared around the next corner. Going back inside I had to pinch myself. I still couldn't believe it.
What a night!

The days flew by and I was nearly scared of how happy I was. How could a person go from completely miserable to over the moon in just one night? Love really was a crazy thing.
Ben was unbelievably sweet. He visited me everyday, no matter how filled up his schedule was. He still brought me flowers and cooked dinner for me. I didn't know how I deserved someone like him.

For Christmas Eve we invited both our parents to my little house for I had the bigger table. Of course my dad didn't show up. I didn't know why I even still bothered inviting him.
'I'm sorry, Soph.'
Ben pulled me into a hug, softly stroking my back.
'Oh you don't have to be. I didn't expect him to come.'
I quickly grabbed a bowl of salad from the kitchen table and pushed pass him.
'Come on, don't keep them waiting.'
He still looked worried but didn't say another word. I already knew his parents quite well and liked them a lot. They were really wonderful and warm people. Everytime we went and visited them I felt at home immediately. The cutest thing was Ben though. He admired and loved them more than anything and seeing them together was a pure joy. I sat down beside my mum who was in a deep conversation with Wanda, while Ben and his dad kept joking about anything on the opposite side of the table. I smiled and leaned back in my chair. I could watch them all day.
Finally they all seemed to have noticed the food on the table and started to fill their plates. Ben went around, filling the glasses with more white whine.
'It's a nice little house you have here, you know,' Wanda complemented me and looked around at the Christmas decorations. I hadn't put up much, just a small tree and a few lights on the windows, but it was enough to create the atmosphere.
Then her eyes rested on Ben, who just filled up my glass. Tears seemed to shimmer in her eyes all of a sudden.
'Oh I'm so happy for you two, you wouldn't believe it.'
The others agreed with her, smiling at us emotionally.
'Thanks. I am as well.'
Ben stroke my arm lovingly and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I could feel my mum softly touching my hand to show her support and I looked down, blushing and not knowing what to say. In that second Fe and Leila came in, packed with presents and desserts.
About time. It was starting to get awkward here already.
'Ah here come the heroes I heard.' Timothy laughed, helping them with the food.
'Sorry we're late, but the traffic was horrible.'
Fe rolled his eyes exaggeratedly, then he started walking around, giving everyone a present.
'Merry Christmas everybody!'
Arriving at my seat, he handed us an envelope.
'Oh Fe, you really shouldn't...'
'Come on, open it!'
Leila, joining us, jumped up and down excitedly.
I opened it carefully. Out came two tickets for a trip to Austria for three days over New Years Eve.
'Originally we thought of something like New York or Paris, buuut as you wanted to keep it private, a quiet holiday for yourself in the snowy mountains, between cows and goats and good beer...'
Leila pushed him playfully.
'Anyway, my uncle has a quite nice hut there and as he's coming here on New Years Eve, he didn't mind giving it to you for a few days.
'Are you sure? Oh Fe, that's marvellous, thank you sooo much!'
I jumped up, hugging both of them, while Ben stuck to a friendly handshake. He knew that Fe hadn't always trusted him but since he helped getting us back together, they both tried their best to become friends. Also because they knew I wouldn't have it any other way.

The evening continued very nicely and after my mother went to unpack in my guest room, we showed Ben's parents out. I got a warm hug from Timothy before he went of with Ben into the cold, who was having a smoke. I still didn't approve of that habit but try and stop an addict...
'Sophie, I just want you to know I'm really glad everything worked out so well for you two. I haven't seen him that happy for ages and I think you were the best person he could possibly choose.'
She's talking like we're getting married already...
But it was nice to have her blessing. Just in case.
'Oh you don't know how much that means to me, thank you so much.'
I gave her a long hug, trying to avoid starting to cry again. It's just that I had never felt more at home and welcome than in this family.

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