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When I heard the key in the door, I quickly put the clothes down I was just folding and nervously turned around. I heard him taking off his shoes. Oh god, I think I'm gonna faint.
'Sophie? Are you home?'
Without waiting for an answer, Ben entered my bedroom, his tie already loosened and his shirt hanging half out of his trousers. He looked exhausted and a bit angry.
'You have no idea what happened today', he interrupted me, obsviously completely caught up in whatever it was that was bothering him.
'That man seriously thought he could just...'
I didn't hear a word of what he was saying. My stomach felt so tight I thought I had to puke every moment. I had to say it now before I completely lost it.
'Ben! I have to tell you something.'
He stopped, surprised about my sudden outburst. His eyes were now completely focussed on me, expecting an explanation. My mouth suddenly went dry and I wasn't sure if I was able to say another word. What will he say? Will he be puzzled? Will he be happy? Is it too soon? Maybe I should just wait until...
'Sophie, what is it?'
His expression turned to concern and he stepped a bit closer.
'I... I...'
I turned my head towards my stomach and slowly touched it with my hand. Then I looked up again, biting my lip in a shy smile. He went completely pale. He just stared at me as if he didn't understand a word. His gaze jumped up and down between my stomach and my face and then suddenly his head went red and tears started to fill his eyes.
'You... You're?'
'Yes', I nodded, now crying myself, half in happiness, half in relief to have finally gotten it off my chest.
'Oh god, Sophie, I don't know what to say, I... I'm so happy.'
He tried to wipe away his tears, but they just kept coming. Then he finally came towards me, picked me up and swirled me around.
'Hey, hey, be careful. You have to be very careful with me now', I teased him, when he let me down again. He said nothing, just laughed with tears in his eyes and softly stroke some wet hair behind my ear.
'I love you so much, Sophie. So, so much!'
'I love you...'
But before I could finish the sentence his lips already were on mine in the most, litterally, breathtaking kiss I had ever got.

'YOU'RE WHAT?' Fe and Leila stood in front of us, mouths open. With Bens arms around me it had been much easier to announce the news to the others. Alltough we had agreed that we wouldn't tell everyone yet, least of all the press. They'd find out soon enough and I hadn't passed the three months mark yet.
'Oh God that's amazing!! Congratulations!', Leila finally burst out and came towards me to hug me tight.
'Congrats mate!'
Fe eventually joined in, giving Ben a firm handshake. Then Leila went on to hug the surprised Ben just as tight, while Fe stood in front of me, fighting hard to hold back the tears.
'I'm so happy for you Soph', he whispered, before giving me a kiss on the cheek and wrapping his arms around me. 'So, so happy.'
He would never admit it, but I knew he was crying.
'You're going to be uncle Fe', I grinned into his shoulder, but he seemed to puzzled to react. Like a little kid I held him tightly in my arms.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2016 ⏰

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