Chapter 1: Unconscious feelings

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"Kageyama? The king of the court? What are you doing here" Hinata trembles when he reached the gym's door and Kageyama appeared Right THERE next to him.

Kageyama looked scary and intimidating. He looked like he could eat you or trying to murder you with his scary expressions.

When Hinata and Kageyama Sign in as a member, they weren't accepted by The captain since all they did was argue all day and never made allies. The 3rd years got really tired of the cat fight and decided to throw them out of the gym. *sawamura mean mode: on* with the intense glare and the dark dark Aura around Sawamura-Senpai, not a thing can object his decision.

For the sake of getting into the club, they promised to show The third years their Volleyball skills... They seemed like a very good player with a little bit of polish they'd shine like a diamond. So Sawamura decided to let them in, on one condition, they have to make ally with each other.

At first Hinata couldnt spike Kageyama's toss but setter's role is to bring out the best of spikers.

"Oi! Give me your best, highest, fastest, jump!" Kageyama exlaimed

"Okay i'll try!" Hinata claimed

With his mind focusing on his feet, he crunch down and jump as high as he possibly could hitting Kageyama's toss with his eyes closed

"Hey hey hey! Didnt Hinata just closed his eyes!" Sawamura was surprised

"Dont close your eyes, idiot!" Kageyama pushed Hinata's shoulder "you shouldnt trust me 100%!!" He shouted

"That was Awesome!!" Said Tanaka

"Daichi-san you must let them in!" Tanaka added

After Kageyama and Hinata got accepted by the volleyball club, Sawamura , they have been the perfect partner in volleyball. Hinata, despite being short he can jump as if he's an awakened raven. Kageyama, the so-called king of the court, has a surprisingly accurate toss that only Hinata can spike.

Recently, Kageyama has such strange feelings whenever Hinata's around. His heart felt weird. Though it is still uncertain. He kept seeking for the answers

"What is it? What happened to me these days? My heart hurts" kageyama keeps questioning himself.

One evening, at a volleyball practice in school, Hinata unintentionally messed up his spikes and fall onto Kageyama. For some reasons Kageyama felt his heart beating so loud and so fast as if it'd burt out of his chest. He then unconsciously held up his arms and hugged Hinata who was still laying on Kageyama's chest after the fall. A few seconds later, Kageyama's eyes were widely opened then pushes Hinata off his chest while he was blushing real hard.

"Why are u hugging me all the sudden" Hinata asked. "Whatever reasons i dont care but first i have to APOLOGIZE for this accident, sorry Kageyama-kun! Dont get mad, okay?" Hinata said it with an adorable yet guilty look on his face. Kageyama couldn't help but forgives him.

"'s okay nevermind" kageyama blushes.

When the day meets the night , Kageyama was lying on his bed thinking about Hinata all the time. Kageyama then swiftly shook his head and slapped is face with his two palms and thinking aloud "Oi, Kageyama!!! What's wrong with you? Why are you always thinking of that SHRIMP?". He couldn't sleep the whole night.

the next day, going to school is a struggle for Kageyama because there's a possibility that Hinata could make his heart beat faster again. As he walked to the class he quickly hid as fast as he possibly could in order to avoid Hinata. Avoiding Hinata is the only way that kept him cool and calm.. Or so that was what he thought. Lunch time arrived and as usual Hinata invited him to eat lunch with Hinata but Kageyama quickly refused Hinata's invitation as he keeps his cool.

"Okay, i'm sorry for disturbing you" hinata said it with the most adorable smile.

Kageyama could resist that smile. Who could? He really wanna hug Hinata like RIGHT NOW but he's trying to suppress is feelings as much as he possibly could.

"But what feeling is that?"He always thought.

After school, Kageyama went to the gym and he saw Nishinoya, Sugawara and Tanaka.

He discussed his emotions secretly with Sugawara-senpai, Nishinoya-senpai and Tanaka-senpai.

"Sorry, Senpai! I need to ask something" he said in poker face

"What is it?" Tanaka replied

"It wasn't volleyball related or anything" this is when all Senpai noticed him started to pout his lips. "It's about feelings..." He turned his head away.

"Feelings and emotions huh....! Yep, you can totally ask us anything!" Nishinoya said and nodded

"These days..when I'm around Hinata..I felt weird..." Kageyama said without reluctant.

"Heeeeeehhhh!!! How can you guys play volleyball if you alr felt weird?" Tanaka shocked "I mean,, do u dislike Hinata or something?" He added

"No. It's not in a hateful's just my heart is beating so fast when I touched or stay close to him.. My heart hurts too...and he is always the first thing that pop into my mind every morning and every time... I don't understand!"

All three senpai's eyes were widened as the opened door.

"AHA! Good for you Tobio! I'm proud of you! You've grown!" Tanaka tapped on Kageyama's shoulder.

"What..." Kageyama looked curious

Tanaka then whispered close to Kageyama's ear whereas Sugawara and Nishinoya kept grinning like idiots

He was shocked and couldnt believe it with his own heart that HE FELL IN LOVE WITH HINATA which the team members are so supportive of Kageyama.

"Go for it Tobio, DO your very best" Both senpai shouted to Kageyama

" be a man you are!!!" "yoshiiii" Nishiyona-senpai continued

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