chapter 6, night

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When you had gotten home you found out that everyone was already asleep and the house was dark. You smiled and sighed and took off your boots and jacket. You closed the door and went to the kitchen to find a little snack before bed, you went and looked in the fridge and found a plate with some cookies and a note saying 'for (Y/N)'.  You smiled and took the little plate and grabbed the note, you can tell that it was your sister that wrote the note and your brother that made the cookies.

You then closed the fridge and went to your room and put the cookies on your desk.  You then went to your sisters room and gave her a little kiss on the forehead and covered her a little more with her blanket. You then went to (B/N) room and also gave him a kiss on the head and turned off his light. You then went to your fathers room and seen him asleep at his desk with the computer on, Even though you don't have respect for your father you still love him. So you grabbed his blanket from his bed and wrapped it around him and turned off his computer and gave him a little pat on the shoulder and left his room.

Then you went to your room and ate your cookies, then you put your plate on the desk and went to your laptop. You really didn't think about your homework when you went to Derek's but you did think about it as soon you got in the door. So you had to deal with homework at 11:00 at night. So you were just doing your homework when you heard a howl from the woods.

You looked up from your laptop and looked out your window that showed the woods. You hoped that Derek was ok, cause that sounded like a big wolf. You then looked at the moon and it was full and then you got even more worried, you read that a wolf would be howling for their pack to go and look for food. You then shook off the worried feeling and went back to your homework but you still felt really uneasy.

You then heard a louder howl and then you couldn't take it anymore. You ran downstairs and got your boots and jacket on and grabbed your keys. You then left the house in a rush and ran to Derek's cabin, hoping that he was ok. You don't know why but you found a shortcut to his cabin and now you were being cut by branches and bushes while you ran to his cabin. You then got there and ran to his front door which was WIDE OPEN!!!

You then rushed in and looked at the scene before you, The whole cabin was in ruins, there was chairs that was toppled over and plates and paper was tossed around and on the desk was scratch marks all over even on the walls. Your eyes widened and you got even more worried for Derek and you ran all around his cabin just to see if he was there. Luckily there wasn't blood but you still worried for him.

You couldn't find him anywhere and you started to tear up, What if he was dragged out of here? What if he died trying to get away from them? What if you cant find his body and wont be able to see him for the last time? You then started to cry and you fell to the floor with out even knowing who was watching you.

You then felt a rough hand on your shoulder and you turned around to see if it was Derek, Oh but how very wrong you were.

A/N lol sorry cliff hanger, but hey I finally updated and I cant believe how many people have already read this lol just thinking about it makes me happy. Yay I really hope you liked this chapter, cause I was listening to a whole lot of blood on the dance floor and so that's why I wrote this chapter lol they gave me ideas. But anyways BYEEEEEE HAVE A NICE NIGHT OR DAYYY!!!!!!!!!

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