what do I do part 2

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You had woken up in a room or dungeon with a small light on one wall. There was stairs, you tried to get up and go to to but you couldn't. You got confused and looked down, there was chains on you holding your hands and feet to the wall. You didn't know what to do, you started to panic. You were breathing heavy and almost started to cry. You then started to call for help screaming for help but all that happened was you getting a sore throat.

You started to cry really badly and was about to lose hope until you heard the door open. The door didn't sound like an ordinary door, it sound big and heavy and it groaned like it couldn't take its weight anymore. You looked up to the stairs and seen the damn same girl from your home. She had this sick smile and she was looking at you like she just got a new torture toy. You were scared to be honest but you weren't going to show it, so you kept your face emotionless.

She had a weapon you know she did, you just couldn't find it. You looked at her while she walked up to you always wearing that damn sick smile. Yo didn't k kw what she was going to do you so you just waited. "Hello darling it's so nice of you to have woken up, I have been waiting to play Dr with you but, Jack said no and that I had to wait for you to wake up, so I did and lookie here SHE AWOKE" the last part she yelled and then she took out a knife from her sleeve and she cut a big gash on your arm.

You screamed, it was painful there was blood gushing out of your arm and that was when she started the torture. For hours she would beat you or cut you she would even starve you until jack said that you need food. It as so much to bare you started to cry. But threw this whole thing you thought, where is Derek.

Derek's pov*

FUCK I can here her cry's even though we're not fully mates I still have a bond to her, which makes it worse for me. God I can't take it, I started to run faster for hours now I have been running trying to find her. I smelled the air, I could smell blood. I cursed, if they put one hand on her they will never see light again. I ran to the smell of blood a d it went to a cave. I got back to my human form and looked around.

I smelled again, the blood was strong but it wasn't (y/n). Now I got cautious, I turned a corner and my eyes widened. It was her I knew that but then why did it smell like her, I found out.


I made a fire for (y/n)'s siblings. I figured out that their blood smells somewhat like hers. One of them was awake and was near the fire, she was scares I could tell. "Hey (s/n) will you tell me now how you got out here or tell me who hurt you?" I asked her gently. I didn't want to frighten her anymore then she was. "A big monster took us here and he hurt me and big brother, he said that no one will find us and h-help u-u-us" she started to cry at the end and I stroked her back gently.

I heard someone groan and wince and I looked over to (b/n), he just woke up and I think he was a little Confused. I stroked (s/n)'s back one more time a d I walked up to (b/n). "Hey man take it slow your fine ok" But right after I said that, I heard a high pitched scream and then everything went black.

A/N hey guys part three will be out soon but I hope you liked this chapter and yes your little sister and big brother are in this sorry lol well have a nice day or night byeee

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