Chapter Eleven

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We arrived at Marcel's house rather quickly.

Of course he had to live near the church.

Anyway, the house was nice, it didn't have a lot of things around, though. Probably he moved here recently.

"So, can you please take off your shoes?" Marcel asked.

I looked at him and nodded taking mine and Dahlia's shoes off.

"Do you have a tv? Maybe some cartoons, too. So that I can leave Dahlia here and talk to you ... " I asked Marcel quietly, rather embarassed.

"Of course I do. I don't have cartoons, but I'm sure we can find something nice on." He smiled picking up Dahlia and taking her on the couch.
I followed them.

Marcel found something that my doughter could watch on tv and whispered something in her ear which made her laugh.

I looked at him with my eyebrow raised and he just shrugged saying
" Nothing, just a secret between me and your doughter."

"Yes dada can't know secrets!" She giggled.

Marcel got up and patted Dahlia's head and said "Come with me to the kitchen."

I followed him and as soon as we arrived to the kitchen I blurted out "I'm sorry."

He turned around to face me quite surprised. "What?"

"I said I'm sorry."

"For what?" He asked innocently.

"C'mon Marce, I can't believe you have already forgiven me for hiding my daughter to you."

He sighed and lowered his head. I put a finger under his chin and I made him look at me. "Don't you want to know why I did it?"

He nodded and I sat on a chair near the counter.

"Okay, Dahlia story is not that easy to tell people that's why I don't usually tell people she even exists..." I sighed and I felt Marcel hugging me from behind.
I gulped in surprise but I let him do whatever he wanted. He probably understood that I needed some comfort and that I didn't want to look into his eyes while doing this.

"Please do not interrupt me while I tell you the story." I asked him and I heard him say a quiet"mhmh"

I took a deep breath and I sarted telling the story.

"Six years ago I was in my last year of high school and I had a best friend her name was Rebecca." I flinched, but continued anyway. " We really loved each other, but we probably became friends because no one else did with us. You know, I was, I mean I still am gay, and she was kinda fat. She was beautiful and very nice in my opinion so I gave her a chance and she did the same with me. Anyway we went to the prom together and that night we had sex. I still don't know what happened because we weren't drunk and we didn't love each other like that, but it felt the right thing to do at that moment. I don't regret it ... I don't regret it because that night we conceived Dahlia. Our daughter. We discovered that a few weeks later and at first we really were scared and didn't know what to do. We had to renounce to go to university, to follow our dreams. But we decided that we could do it together. We made it through all those years of high school, we could face also this.
But yeah at first everything was going fine but then one night, she decided to go out with her new friends. I was so happy 'cause she was a sweetheart and she deserved friends, but when she was coming back she got ... she got in a car crash and she ... she..."

"Shhh" he stopped me coming in front of me and wiping away some tears I didn't even know I was shedding.

"You don't have to continue with the story right now, if you don't feel like it. I can wait to hear the end of it don't worry, he whispered softly."

I smiled through the tears and I got up. I looked into his eyes and I mouthed a 'thank you'.

I closed my eyes and suddenly his lips were on mine.

I reopened my eyes in surprise, but his lips were so sweet, oh so sweet.

So, confort and solace spread through all my body after a very long time.

Hello everyone! So I decided to come back. I took a break cause I didn't feel like writing but now I'm back. I just there is still someone who remembers me ahahh.

Anyway next update will be soon!



Different Worlds ||Zarcel Stalik|| (Zarry Au)✔️Where stories live. Discover now