Chapter Seven: The Wizard

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Chapter 7

The more I had the thought the more it sounded crazy. While I was lost in my thoughts the government agent recovered enough to tackle me to the ground. I didn't even try to fight I knew he had me pinned down where if I moved it would just hurt more.

The agent took me to a black van with no windows and a bunch of other men as big and tough as him in the car. I had no I idea what the were going to do to me. I kept trying to ask them questions but they wouldn't answer me.

The van finally stopped and, the men got out. I heard them talking about some government facility. Then I did one of the riskiest things I have ever done. They men didn't know that when they unlock there car doors they also unlock mine.

I snuck out the other door. I got away just in time to see the men opening up a secret passageway to the facility. I took a picture with my phone for evidence.

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