8. Mistakes Happen

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Ariana's POV

What Justin asked me got me thinking. Do I really like him? Like that? I just met him yesterday, maybe he was just caught up in the moment. I need to get to know him better. I know what 'going steady' means but I don't know, from what Liz said, I need to get more trust in him.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as the bell rang.

"Alright, I expect this homework in by tomorrow, no late homework!" The teacher said

I was greeted by Liz at the door, she scared me a little.

"Hey, sorry for scaring you" Liz said

"Um, it's okay. How did you know what my class is?" I asked

"Oh, I saw you yesterday walking into this class, so I decided to meet you for lunch"

"Oh thanks, that was really nice of you" It made me feel good to have a new friend.

"So, you and Justin! Are things official?" Liz asked

"Well no, he asked me to go steady with him, but I only met him yesterday and I barely know him, so I told him I'd think about it." I explained.

As we were walking down the hallway I saw a people making out, a familiar figure and clothes I've seen. And then it hit me. It was Justin.

"Oh my god" I said interrupting Liz.

"Wha- oh" she said realizing what was going on.

"Really Justin? And you actually asked me to go steady with you, and not even 12 hours later, you're sucking another girls face. Well guess what Justin, I don't wanna go steady with you because now I know that your probably just gonna do this" I screamed and walked away from him.

"Ariana, no please, Ariana come back!" I hear Justin yelling for me.

"Ari, wait up" I heard Liz call. I slowed down, but I was still walking. "Let's go to the bathroom" she suggested.

"I'm so mad" I said pacing around the bathroom.

"And you have every right to be. Just drop him, you'll be happier without all of his drama" Liz suggested.

"You know what, you're right. I don't need Justin in my life"

"That's right, and I know someone who wants to get to know you" Liz said catching my attention.

"Really, who?" I asked

"Let's go to the lunchroom and I'll show you"

We walked out of the bathroom towards the lunchroom. I was really curious on who likes me. I haven't even been here for a week, and I already have boy drama.

"Ariana, wait, please let me explain myself" I heard Justin call running after me.

"Justin, no. What explaining can you do? I saw all I needed to." I said without looking at him. It hurt a lot knowing that I was about to give that guy my trust.

"Ariana, I'm sorry. Please give me another chance" Justin pleaded

"I can't. I'm not going to get my heart broken by you Justin." I said turning around and walking away.

I turned around and he was just standing there. He looked sad, but I couldn't do this. It was too much for me.

Justin's POV

Ariana left, she hates me. I can't believe I did that. Why do you always do this Justin? I felt like she was the one, but that feeling was wrong obviously.

I ran after the girl that kissed me. Selena.

"Selena, why did you do that?" I said to her

"I wanted to kiss my boyfriend." She said smirking

"Selena I'm NOT your boyfriend" I said getting annoyed.

"Baby, don't say that. It was just a little fight, we can work it out" she said as she put her hand on my shoulder.

I grabbed her hand. "No Selena, we're done, forever" I said raising my voice. "You're going to tell Ariana you came on to me" I demanded

"Oh no Justin, I won't be able to do that. In fact, the only thing I'll be telling her is all the things you've done in the two days you've known her, because I know everything that happened Justin." She said. I couldn't have Ariana find out why I left that one day.

"Selena, please don't"

"There's one thing you can do to shut me up, fuck me"

Selena's POV

I needed Justin. We never did it, ever in our two years of dating. He said it was too soon and he wanted it to be special, but I knew he had been sleeping with other girls. I didn't want to say anything because I really loved him.

"Selena, I can't" Justin told me

"You did it two days ago!" I fired back

"No, Selena, I'm trying to change"

"For that bitch Ariana? Yeah right Justin. If you don't all your darkest secrets will go out"  I said. I know blackmailing is bad, but it's the only way to get him in bed with me

"Selena, no" Justin said looking away

"Fine, I guess everyone is going to know about the car incident" I said. I knew I got to him, after it happened he came crying to me. He doesn't want anyone to know.

"Fine.. When do you wanna do it?" Justin asked

"Tonight, no condom" I said

"Selena! I'm not going to take a chance to get you pregnant, with condom or no sex" Justin said

"No sex isn't a good idea. Sex without condom or everyone finds out" I threatened.

"Fine, meet me at my car after school." Justin said with a dark look in his eyes.

We're going to get back together after tonight. Anger sex is the best because it always turns into make up sex. I'm hoping he might get me pregnant, so he has to stay with me. I guess only time will tell.

Selena is definitely on Santa's naughty list. Anyways hope y'all enjoyed it and yes, next chapter will be an intimate chapter. Who do you think the guy that likes Ariana is? Thanks for readingg


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