19. Winter Things

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Ariana's POV

I woke up on the ground and saw Justin on the couch with his legs spread out.

"Justin, wake up" I whispered in his ear. He sleeps so cute, so peacefully. He fluttered his eyes and smiled at me.

"Good morning beautiful" he said with his morning voice, oh that morning voice. But he laid his head down and went back to sleep

"Get upppp I'm bored" I said shaking him.

"Five more minutes" he said and turned on his side. I decided to give him more time to sleep and I went to go make us breakfast.

I found some pancake mix and bacon and made some for us. Someone knocked at the door and I decided to answer it, big mistake.

"Justin, I'm ready fo-" Selena stood there quickly covering herself.

"Oh my god Selena, why are you standing out here with no clothes on?" I asked turning my head and putting my hand up to my face.

"I was here to see Justin" she said covering herself with the robe that was open.

"Well he's sleeping, so you should go" I said closing the door still looking away.

"Not so fast" she said stopping the door with her foot. "Why are you here?" She asked

"Me and Justin were on a date last night and we fell asleep here" I said.

"Are you guys together?" She yelled

"No, not exactly" I said. "Merry Christmas Selena" I said closing the door.

I walked back to the kitchen to see Justin eating bacon while preparing himself a plate of pancakes.

"This bacon is great Ariana, good job" he said with his mouth full of bacon.

"Thanks, guess who just came to your door" I said getting my plate of pancakes.

"I don't know, who?" He asked with his face full of bacon.

"Selena, and she had nothing on but a robe, the most awkward moment ever" I said taking a bite of my pancake.

"Really? She was naked. That's crazy!" He said almost choking on his food of laughter.

"Yeah, and she was really mad that we were together, not like that I mean.... Not together... Like with each other, not dating you know?" I said stuttering

"Relax Ari, I know what you mean" he said chuckling. "But, I like being with you" he said making me blush.

"You're too sweet Justin" I said punching him on the arm lightly.

"So what do you wanna do today?" Justin asked.

"Hmm, let's go to the ice skating rink down town" I said putting my plate in the sink.

"It's like 100 degrees outside" he complained.

"Well we gotta get out" I laughed at his cuteness.

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