22. New Year's Eve

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Ariana's POV

Me and Justin have been getting along perfectly since winter break started and I have a really good feeling about him. We haven't seen each other in a few days because his mom recently came back in town. He wanted to spend time with her since she was leaving again next week, which I completely understood. That gave me time to catch up with my mom and Alexa.

While I was having a conversation with my mom and Alexa someone knocked on the door and I went to answer it. My eyes got wide and I saw the guy I'm head over heels for. I jumped into his arms and he spun me around.

"I've missed you so much" I said.

"I've missed you too" he said putting me down. "I want you to meet my mom, come on" he said taking me to his mom.

His mom got out the car and her face lit up. She gave me a big hug and smiled at me which made me smile even bigger.

"I'm Pattie, Justin's mom" she said hugging me again.

"I'm Ariana, Justin's uh" I said looking at him.

"Justin's girlfriend" he said finishing my sentence and winking at me.

Girlfriend. Justin's girlfriend.

I smiled and we all went inside my house so I could introduce them to my mom and best friend.

"Mom, this is Justin, the guy I've been gushing over the past few days" I said with my arm around his waist.

My mom ran up to him and gave him a tight squeeze, sort of like what Alexa did when she first met Justin.

"It's so great to finally meet you Justin" she said releasing him.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you Ms. Grande" he said.

"Oh please, call me Joan" she said giving him a light slap on the arm.

"Oh and mom, Alexa, this is his mom, Pattie" I said pointing at Pattie.

Her and my mom instantly clicked and they went and gave each other a big hug. It's like they've known each other for years.

"Joan, it's been so long" she said making me and Justin look at each other in confusion.

"It has been Pattie, I've missed you so much" my mom said to her.

"What's going on?" Alexa whispered to me and Justin. We shrugged our shoulders wondering the same thing.

"Alexa, you and Ariana aren't the only ones who have been best friends for life, me and Pattie are best friends too. Before I left for New York I used to live down here in Boca. I was with Pattie every step of the way, I even saw you Justin" she said pinching his cheeks.

"That's right Ariana, me and your mom were inseparable. Absolutely nothing could split us apart, that was until she was accepted into NYU and left me here in Boca. We never lost touch, in fact we went out for coffee when you first moved here" she said nudging my mom with her elbow.

"And now your children are together, what are the chances?" Justin said looking down.

"Okay, this day got like 1000 times better" Alexa laughed making us all laugh.

My mom and Pattie went into the living room to catch up and Alexa was on the phone with Marc, they could talk forever if they could. Justin and I went and sat on the patio bench with his arm around me.

"It's so crazy how our moms were best friends and we ended up together" I said playing with his fingers.

"Yeah, it was fate though, we were meant to be" he said kissing my cheek.

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