26. Is It Too Late Now To Say Sorry?

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Ariana's POV

Justin and I haven't been at school in a few days since he gave me his sickness. That's what I get for kissing his irresistible lips.

Right now I'm in my bed waiting for Justin to bring my soup. He refuses to let me walk, he carries me to the bathroom and waited for me until I'm done an carries me back to my bed. He always showers me, weird I know. But I curl up and he washes my hair and soaps my back and he leaves so I can wash my private areas. Not once has Justin let me do something on my own.

He walked into my room with some soup and a tv.

"Why did you bring a tv in here?" I asked.

"Because, I wanna watch tv and I can't do that if you don't have a tv in your room" he said.

"You can easily watch tv downstairs" I said scrolling through Instagram.

"But I don't want to! I got you sick so now I have to take care of you" he said making me blush, "I'm gonna go downstairs to get something, if my phone buzzes please check, my mom is supposed to text me soon" he said.

"Alright, don't take too long" I said.

His phone buzzed and I picked it up to see a text from a girl named Hailey.

*Hailey: baby, where are you? You said you'd be here thirty minutes ago. I'm so lonely and I miss you*

My heart stopped beating. I felt betrayed, I felt more hurt than ever. I cared for him more than anything, I gave him another chance after what happened with him and Selena. Tears started to rim my eyes fogging my eyesight.

"Okay so I brought up some candy and po-" he stopped when he saw the tears streaming down my face, "wh-why are you crying?" He said.

I handed him is phone so he could see the text. His eyes got wide and he was at a loss of words.

"Ar-Ariana I don't know why she te-texted me this" he stuttered.

"Who is she?" I said trying to show no emotion.

"An ex" he said not being able to look me in the eye.

"Please don't lie Justin" I said as my voice cracked.

"Ari please" Justin said.

"Get out. I need time alone" I said as tears streamed down my face.

"But you're sick, I can't leave you" he said taking a step closer.

"Please Justin, just go" I said turning around so my back faced him.

"I'm sorry Ariana" he said as he walked out.

I want to believe him, and half of me does believe him. I don't feel like I'm in my body, I'm not feeling good. I'm hoping Justin cares for me as much as I care for him.

Justin's POV

I was beyond mad at Hailey. It was the first time she'd texted me ever since she left me. She only texted me because of my song. I pounded my head against the steering wheel. I hate seeing Ariana cry, especially since she's sick.

I called Hailey to ask why she texted me.

"Hey babe" she said giggling.

"Don't ever call me that" I growled.

"Woah, calm down" she chuckled.

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