Goodbye Forks

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Kenna POV:
Me and Jasper were standing about ten yards away from Bella and Edward.I agreed to let him talk to her first.Jasper was holding my hand trying to assure me that everything was going to be fine,but I couldn't help but think about how I'll never be able to see Bella ever again.

I take a deep breath.I can do this,I have to.Its the only chance that I have.I walk towards them.She was wearing the tan jacket that Charlie got her when she was 15.

"Kenna,please tell me what's going on." She begs.

"You know that I love you,but we can't stay.Its too dangerous."I tell her.

"You can't just leave,you're my sister." She says as tears roll down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry."I state.I walk closer to her and hug her.I knew exactly what I had to do."You will forget that I exist,you are an only child,the only child of Renee and Charlie,you never had a sister."

I speed to the house before anyone can do anything.I needed this,I needed to do this.It was the only way.I walk inside my old house. Somehow it looked different,it looked more dusty than I remembered.I hear his loud footsteps stomp downstairs.

"Kenna."He breathes.

"You won't remember me,you only have one daughter,and that's Bella. You won't remember anything else."I compel him.

I run up to my old room.All of my stuff was in boxes.Well that should make things a bit easier.I begin to take my stuff to an area in the woods. As soon as I'm done I hold a match.

"What are you doing?"Jasper questions.

"Kenna Swan doesn't exist anymore, she died a couple months ago."I say lighting the match.

"You don't have to this."He assures me.

"Actually I do."I state and drop the match.I watch as my old life literally blows up into flames.I am no longer Kenna Swan,I was Kenna Cullen.And I accepted that."Come on,we should get going."

Jasper sighs but grabs my hand.We speed back to the house for the last time in a while.I don't how I'll ever be able to come back after everything.I don't think Forks will ever be home, not again.

"Alright,is everyone ready?"Alice questions.

"Yup.Lets go."I state.

We all get in our separate cars.Me and Jasper in Jasper's Lamborghini, Edward and Alice is Edward's Volvo, Carlisle and Esme in Carlisle's Sudan, and Rosalie and Emmett in Emmett's jeep.I look out one last time.

Goodbye Forks.

A/N:Hey guys,I know that this chapter was a little short.But it was just Kenna saying goodbye, so basically just a small filler type chapter.But don't worry,the oncoming chapters will be much longer.So don't forget to vote and comment,bye!!!!!!!!✌️✌

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