Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

   “Seriously, just go up there. He doesn’t hate you.” I told Caden, C.T and Jonesy what happened with Noah. They were on my side of course but Jonesy felt a little uncomfortable that he was the reason for a fight. I assured him that it wasn’t his fault and that in a way he wasn’t even a part of this at all. We were currently at the address that Drake gave C.T for Noah’s apartment. “Okay, if I don’t come out within a reasonable amount of time, just leave ok? But if I come out running like a wild rabbit, start the car immediately so you can be my get away car.” I told them. Taking a deep breath and with an encouraging look from everyone in the car, I got out and walked up the stairs to his apartment. I only knocked twice.

            “COMING!” I heard him shout before hearing some shuffling. He opened the door and was in sweats. The look on his face was hard to read. He kept an emotional mask on. Leaning up against the door post, he crossed his arms.

“Look, before you say anything I just want you to know that I don’t do this often but I really like you and I don’t want to screw anything up and this is going to physically pain me to say this but you were right and I wasn’t and I know that you’re upset with me but can you try and not be because no one has really been upset with me in a while and it’s foreign territory and-“ I was cut short from my rambling by Noah grabbing my face and kissing me hard.

            “Shut up.” He mumbled against my lips after a minute. He held me close in the kind of hug where his arms were fully around me and his head was buried in my neck. I nuzzled my face in his shoulder finding that he smelled of fresh Old Spice. I smiled into his shirt, just happy that he wasn’t mad at me anymore. He let go and opened the door wider, inviting me in.

            “I hate fighting with people. It’s weird.” He just laughed and me and walked toward his kitchen.

“Would you like something to drink?” He asked opening the fridge. His place wasn’t messy really it looked lived in. It was the standard two bedroom apartment. A leather couch and flat screen TV sat in the living room along with a coffee table and two shelves alongside the TV with knickknacks and souvenirs.

            “You wouldn’t happen to have peppermint tea would you?” I asked sitting on his couch after taking my shoes off.

“Sorry I do not. I do however have raspberry.” He held up the box and put on a kettle to boil. Once it was on the stove he came to sit next to me on the couch. We just sat, staring at each other. I felt dumb just looking at him. I mean the silence was nice but it was weird too because he was right in front of me. I’d be a lot happier if he’d cuddle with me instead.         

            It’s like he read my mind because he scooted over and gathered me in his arms. This position was much better. I could enjoy the silence. He had two big windows leading to a fire escape on the sidewall of his apartment. It was a great view actually, it overlooked a little of the city. It suddenly got really dark as storm clouds moved in. This had to be like out of a tumblr story or something because now all I need is a book.

            The kettle started to whistles and Noah sighed and got up. I decided to look around and be nosy.  I opened the first door on the small hallway; it turned out to be his bedroom which he kept very simple with just a bed, a closet and a side table. I didn’t blame him for keeping it simple, less stuff to keep clean. I opened the door in the middle and it was the bathroom.

            “Two sugars or one?” Noah called out from the kitchen.

“Two please” I called back. I opened the last door and was immediately amazed. There was a bed that was pushed up against the wall and there were shelves lining every other wall that were full of books. Every shelf had no space to spare; there was a draw that was slightly coming from under the bed. I pulled it out and there were more books lined up in that. It was amazing. There was a small window on the wall opposite the bed but it was circular and small. It was at the front of the building so I just saw another building across from this one and the slanted street he lived on but it was incredible. This was like my ideal room. Just a bed, a window, and a whole bunch of books; I pushed the drawer back and sat on the bed. At the bed’s head there was a little shelf that was stacked with books as well. There had to be over two hundred books I this room.  

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