Chapter 9- True Feelings

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Mr.Dolan's POV:
  It's been about two weeks and Eris hasn't talked to me since that night. Did she really mean what she said?

  This semester is over with now. Eris won't be in my class anymore. I'm so upset.

Eris' POV:
   Finally, that class is over with! I was struggling and I managed to pass without Mr.Dolan's help.

  I still think back to that night of what would've happened if he didn't push me away. If Janet didn't come home that night, would Mr.Dolan and I of been together?

  What am I thinking? He's married. I shouldn't sabotage their marriage just cause of my feelings.

Today I'm staying after class to help my calculus teacher decorate her Christmas tree. I love the Holidays so much. The music is the best part about it .

  "Hey Eris, can you toss me those cords by the door?" She says.

If you're wondering, my calculus teacher name is Mrs. Orlon.

  "Sure, here you go. I like all these colored lights. It makes the class room look like a rainbow." I say handing her the lights.

  "You're right! It does look like it's a rainbow in here." She responds.

"Well thank you so much for helping me out Eris. Looks like you have some extra credit coming your way." She says to me winking.

"It's nothing really. I just love decorating." I say getting ready to exit her class. "Oh wait Eris! I need for you to head to the 2300 hallway." That hall..

"What do I need to get from that hall?" I ask her becoming nervous all of a sudden. "I need for you to talk to Mr.Dolan for me. He should be in his classroom." "Alright." I head for his classroom

  Walking as slow as possible, I finally reach the hallway. It's so quiet up here. That makes sense since no one stays after school for fun.

   I approach Mr.Dolan's classroom to find him sitting in his chair at his desk talking to another teacher.  "Great.." I moan out

  I knock on the door. "Come in!" He says yelling. I slowly walk in and his eyes grow big. "Hello Mrs. Clarkson, Mr.Dolan."
  "Hello sweetie." says Mrs.Clarkson. Mr. Dolan hasn't responded yet

   "Hey Clarkson, let's finish this conversation later alright? A meeting with Eris is urgent." He says motioning her to leave the classroom.

  "Eris?" He says getting ready to touch my shoulder. I push his hand away. "Mrs.Orlon needed something from you. She said you had a stack of papers for her?" Why I'm I so pissed right now?

  "Uh...yea..yea. Here you go. Listen Eris we need to talk." He's handing me the papers. "Mr.Dolan-" he interrupts me. "Just call me Grayson." "Alright then Grayson, there is nothing to say. I'm okay and I'm sure you're okay with what happened that day. Let's just end it here."

  "End what Eris? We're not dating so what should we end?" He's getting anxious. "Everything Grayson. I'm not upset with you, I know you're married and I don't want to sabotage it." I look down at my feet.

  He comes close to me. "But I don't want to end things with you Eris. I may be married, but it doesn't look like that marriage is going to last." He hugs me.

  "What do you mean?" I ask. "I'm saying, I lost my wedding ring. Actually, I took it off and threw it away." "You what?! Why?!" I yell letting go of him
"Because Eris, I don't like Janet. We were never in love. I only married her cause it was an arranged marriage. My parents did it to gain access to Janet's parents company."

He grabs my hand."Eris, just spend some time with me okay? I need real love. I can't keep faking my feelings like this. I know you want me and you know I want you. What's the problem?" He's looking deep into my eyes, waiting for an answer.

  "The problem is that you're my teacher and my mom trusts you to teach me. If she sees us together after I've had your class for only a semester, she's going to be suspicious." He seems to be upset

   "Well she won't see us together. Come over to my house." He says planting kisses on my neck

"Grayson. I've got to go home. My mom is waiting for me and I've got to take these papers back to Mrs. Orlon." I'm blushing so hardcore right now

"Alright. Give me your phone." "For what?" I say.
He starts feeling on my back pockets. "HEY!" He "accidentally" hits my butt. "Here's my phone number. Make sure you text me tonight." He puts the phone back into my back pocket.

"Bye." I say heading back to Mrs.Orlon's classroom.

Why does he make me blush so much?  My cheeks are so hot right now.

Sorry for not updating! My finals are finally over! I'll be updating more!

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