Chapter 18- Realization

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Eris' POV:
Today is Thursday and my mom told me she'll be meeting with Mr. Dolan. I knew something was weird since she didn't talk to him the day after the trip. I hope everything goes well.

Mrs.Faye's POV:
"I'll be there in ten minutes. Eris lets go! If you don't want to be late, come on!" She's always taking up so much time.

We arrive at the school. I drop Eris off in the carpool lane and I drive around to the park the car. I check in with the front office telling them about my appointment with Eris' teacher. They tell me to print off this visitor form to stick on to my shirt.

Knock.Knock. "Mr.Dolan?" "Yes please come in."he answers. "Good morning Mrs.Faye. How are you?" "I'm doing alright and yourself?" I close the door behind me. "I'm doing good too thank you. Here, take a seat." He motions me to sit in the seat in front to his desk.

"Okay let's get to the point Grayson. May I call you Grayson?" I ask sitting my purse in my lap. "Ah yes. Do what's comfortable." I'd like to call him something else, but let's keep it appropriate. "Let me ask you. Why are you after my daughter?" I ask crossing my arms. He looks down. "Mrs.Faye..Eris came after me. She told me that was her intention." He says. His mouth is full of lies right now. I know Eris wouldn't do that kind of thing. "You shouldn't lie like that. Call her in here then. I'll hear it for myself." "Alright then. I'll notify the front office."
Eris' POV:
   "Mom? What are you doing here?" I ask. "What does it look like? I'm talking with Mr.Dolan. He told me that you chased after him first. Is that true?" She asks me. "What do you mean by chased?" I take a seat in the chair next to her. "You started liking Mr. Dolan first and you let your feelings take over you and you ruined a marriage and I know it can't be for your sake. Janet told me she's going to talk with you Grayson. She wants you two to be together again. She misses you. Don't leave a good woman like her behind just because you're getting tired. You'll eventually want her back. Eris you better stay away from him. Grayson you better do the same or I WILL report you."she gets up.

"You're right mom. I really shouldn't like my teacher."she sits back down and Grayson's eyes widen. "I'll tell Janet I'm sorry. I did let my emotions get the best of me. What am I doing? I'm so stupid.."
"Don't call yourself stupid honey. I'm just glad you realized what you were doing."my mom pats my back. "Eris.."says Grayson. "I'm very sorry Mr.Dolan, I won't bother you and your wife. I'll be heading back to class now. Bye mom, have a good day Mr.Dolan." I stand up and walk out of the Mr.Dolan's classroom. My heart hurts that I had to do that.

"You see that? She realized she did wrong. Don't you try to change her mind and go back to your wife. Play around with someone your own age and don't shake my daughter ever again. Remember.. I will report you if you do. Thank you and have a good day." My mother leaves and I'm sure Grayson isn't in the best mood. He blows up my phone.

"Eris? Eris it really is you. I've been looking for you." A guy behind me says. "Grayson I told-" oh my god..Leo.. "How have you been Eris?" I stand there in shock. "I've been really good. How have you been?" Am I for real talking him? "I'm even better now. Can we talk after school? I really have something to say." Ugh. "Alright. Let's meet on the soccer field after our last class of the day." "Thanks Eris."he says and walks to his next class period. What have I gotten myself into?


Mr. Dolan's POV:
Did Eris mean what she said? I have to ask her. How could she say that? I thought we had something special. I even left my wife for her, well not really but still! She just throws everything we had straight into the trash! Is she still upset about the Janet accident? She can't be for real..

Me: Eris what just happened? You don't want to be with me anymore? Are you serious? Tell me you aren't.
Eris: read...
Me: you read my message? Why didn't you respond? Eris I want to talk to you. When can we talk?
Me: stop reading the messages and answer me. Let's meet after school okay? We can talk in my class. Be there okay?
Me: that better be a yes.

She just reads my message and not reply. At least she's not completely ignoring me. I hope she's there so we can talk. I have to coach later today so I hope we take care of this and I won't be as confused as I am right now.

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