One Year Anniversery

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  Your P.O.V.
You woke up to a stack full of books under your chin. Last night was a whole night of studying for upcoming finals. It took you a second to figure out what had happened, and what day it was. Picking up your phone that sat next to you, you saw that the time was already 8:45. You quickly jumped into the shower to get ready for the busy day ahead of you.

After you got out of the shower, you put on light makeup and curled the ends of your hair. You wore a cute blue long-sleeved shirt with a white, ruffly scarf.  It was that time of morning when you needed a cup of coffee, so you went downstairs to make one. When you got down there, you heard your phone ringing. It was Cameron.
"Hey babe," He started off with.

"Hi Cam," You replied with a yawn. "Happy Anniversary!" Sounding more excited.

"You too! Why do you sound so tired?" He asked with a chuckle.

"A long night off studying," you answered. "How are you doing?"

"I'm excited for our plans tonight," He said with an excited tone.

"Me too!" You said not sounding tired anymore. "I have a few more errands to run, but then I can come over to your place."

"That gives me a great excuse to clean my apartment up a little bit then, haha."

"Yeah, that's the plan," you said laughing. "I love you."

"Love you too, see you soon beautiful."

With that, you hung up and grabbed your purse. You got into your car and drove to the nearest jewelry store.

Cam's P.O.V.

After the phone call with Y/N, I began to clean up my place. It had to look nice for a special occasion like this for my special girl. Chargers, clothes, food packages laid over the floors. It was amazing how quick my own apartment could get messy within a day. I just get so busy.

After I had candles, food, and Y/N's gift all set out and ready, I sat down on the couch and waited. I didn't know how long Y/N was going to be, and where she was going. I love being with her, she makes me so happy. Hopefully we would get to cuddle and watch a movie or something later.

Your P.O.V.

After picking up lunch, you texted Cam that you would be there soon. He probably already had lunch since it was around 11:30 already. You had been at the jeweler for an hour or so at least. Hopefully Cameron would like the gift you chose.

When you finished eating your sandwich from Subway, you went over to Target to pick up a few things. Maybe more than a few things, oops. You got snacks of course, but you may have spent a little too much time just wandering around the clothe and decoration sections. Before getting in line, you picked out a few of Cameron and your favorite movies to watch later.

In the parking lot, you quickly put Cameron's gift in a bag along with a Starbucks gift card you got him in Target. Everything was ready, time to go see the love of your life. On the way there you got stuck in traffic, but Cameron texted and said there were no worries. You really wanted to see him since you had to study all day yesterday. His hugs, kisses, smiles. You missed everything about him. Luckily the light turned green and off you went.

Cam's P.O.V.

Y/N was stuck in traffic, so this was the perfect opportunity to decorate a little more. I got pillows and blankets out for the couch. I hung a strand of white Christmas lights on my island in the kitchen, and I brushed my teeth for probably the third time today. When we kiss again for the first time in what feels like forever, I want Y/N to kiss me with fresh breath. Especially since this is our anniversary.

Click. Click. I could here keys rattling in the door. Y/N was here. I actually got kind of nervous because I wanted everything to be perfect for her. The door knob twisted, the door opened and there she was. The most beautiful thing, she looked so perfect. I was beyond lucky for her. A huge smile ran across my face.

Your P.O.V.

When you opened the door, you saw Cameron with a huge smile on his face. The only thing you could do was smile back. You've missed that smile. You quickly put down the bags in your hands by the door and ran into Cameron's arms. He wrapped his arms around you, and everything felt at ease. You hugged for what felt like eternity, but it was only a minute or so.

"I've missed you so much," Cameron said. "Happy Anniversary," he whispered and gave me a long kiss on the lips.

"I've missed you too, Happy Anniversary," You kissed him back.

He set you down and gave you a gift box. You opened it to find a beautiful set of diamond earrings and a matching necklace. Tears started to develop in your eyes.

"They're so beautiful, thank you so much Cameron. Here," you handed his gift to him.

He gasped at the shiny watch he opened. "It's awesome! And a Starbs gift card! Thank you babe," he said and kissed you.

You guys ended up going to an Italian restaurant and later watched a few movies. You ate popcorn, cuddled and just had a good time in general. You were so happy to be back in his arms. You eventually fell asleep on his chest and you felt him carry you to bed and tucked you in. He got on the other side and wrapped his strong arms around your waist. You two slept soundly and peacefully. It was one of the best 1st anniversaries you could have imagined.

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