Part 12. (Taylor Jean)

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Part 12 : Jackson Foster  Isn't Good.

*. March 8th .*

   "Did you just say, Jackson Foster?" Johnny replied angrily. He was stunned - well they all were - and I was still slightly confused on why. I nodded and gave them a confused face. "No, no. Absolutely not. He's working for you? Dad actually let him work here! With you around! Dear god." Johnny rambled, almost as if he was just talking to himself. 

   "What's wrong with Jackson?" I said looking at Johnny. He stared at his hands and then I turned to Nick. He looked away, opposite from me. And then towards David/Dave. He followed both their actions. "What did he do?"

   "Taylor." Johnny said. "You need to stay away from him. I'm surprised you don't know anything about him if you two have been getting close.." 

   "We're not getting close." I rolled my eyes. "I mean, yes we are getting to be friends but nothing really is happening."

   "Nothing is gonna happen." Johnny said angrily with his natural brotherly protectiveness.

   "Um, you can't tell me what to do." I said. "He's nice to me and that's all that matters." I lied. I was hoping he was done with his 'bad boy' stuff and I was hoping bringing me into his life the dangers would slow down and soon leave but maybe that wasn't so easy. 

   "You really don't know what he's done?" Nick says. I shook my head and he lowered his eyes. "Um, well.." He stuttered. British people do that a lot, from what I've noticed. "He's just dangerous."

   "I know but really, what has he done?" I asked. "Please, someone explain before I leave." They all stayed quiet until Johnny spoke.

   "Dave. Nick. I think we should tell her - I mean, from what we know." Johnny said. I looked at them and thought 'Yes! I've been waiting for this! Come on!'. They all nodded and my heart started to beat. "Jackson is on parole."

   "Wait." I stopped him already. "Like right now? Like present time?"

   "Yes, present time." Johnny replied. 

   "Well, what crime did he commit?" I asked them. Johnny stayed quiet letting his friends speak instead. "What did he do?"

    "Did he tell you about, erm, his parents?" Nick asked. I nodded and he shifted uncomfortably. "Well, did he tell you how they died?" I shook my head. He laughed and an evil smirk was on his lips. "Yeah, thought so." He paused. "He killed his parents."

    I was frozen. No way he could kill someone. When I looked in his eyes I only saw maybe 30% evil but nothing as extreme as killing someone, let alone 2 people. And I couldn't even see him do that. I couldn't probably see anyone do it. Like I can't even tell how Hitler and the Nazis killed those people. I couldn't grasp it.

   "No. No, you're lying." I said. "You just don't want me to get involved with a bad boy! I know he has anger issues, yes. But he can't kill people. He just can't." I stuttered. "Please, tell me you're lying." I was now standing before them closing my eyes from the sudden news.

   "We're not lying." Dave announced. "That's not everything that's he has done, though." He stopped realizing I was not in the mood of hearing everything he's done. 

   I groaned and pushed my chair in before running up my stairs and locking my door. The room was the same. Nothing was different from the last time I looked at it.

   "Jackson?" I questioned walking towards the bathroom. "Jackson? Are you still here?" Silence. I turned towards the mirror and a note was taped there with my name written on it. I quickly grabbed it and opened it. 

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