Part 35. (Jackson)

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Part 35 : You Need To Leave.

*. May 21st .*

    Promises are hard to keep and I  just made two to Taylor Jean that I wasn't sure that I could keep. I promised her that I wouldn't hurt her, I did that already. And I promise that I'd come back, which if I wasn't dead, I would try.

    My life has been very difficult and finding her has put some light in it but there is still that darkness that finds it way to me. And they have found me. I was sure that my uncle had fixed everything and got my name off things but I'm guessing not. 

    A friend of my that has been with me ever sine I was born has come to  help but I knew that it wouldn't be much because they were powerful people and I knew that they didn't hesitate to kill someone. And I was on their list of killings and I was hoping that I could get everything that I needed.

    She was one of them. But I wasn't gonna drag into this.

    I got to my flat complex and quickly to my flat but when I opened the door, I wish I was still with Taylor Jean, safely at her house.

    "Jackson, I'm so sorry!" Jimi yelled but before I knew it a bullet went straight to his head and some blood went onto my carpet. His body fell to the ground and my life just flashed before my eyes. 

     There he stood, admiring his gun that just took the life of my best friend. I couldn't handle it. I ran to him and swung at him. We started to wrestle and I punched him multiple times in the face where my knuckles became bloody but it was for all the pain he brought to my family. When he was almost out conscious, I grabbed my duffle bag that had literally everything I needed to survive, expect one person.

     I ran out of the flat and into the parking garage where I found another friend of Jimi and I's. I ran to Drake who was running into the car. We got in and I yelled go as I saw West running towards us. His gun fires multiple times hitting the windows and breaking them. We exited the garage and soon were speeding on the street. I could see and hear sirens behind us but Drake didn't look back. I couldn't help but look back.

    "WAIT!" I said. 

    "What? What? Did you forget something? Where is Jimi?" Drake frantically said.

    "I need to get someone."

    "Jackson there is not time! We can't bring someone back into this!" He yelled at me. "The cops are on our arse but we're not the ones they want!"

    "Please, I have to get her!"

    "Her? You want to bring a girl into this! Jackson, for god sake just forget it! She can't come!" He yelled. I grabbed the wheel and got onto his lap as I got the control of the. I turned sharply and Drake squirmed from under me. I let him go into the passenger seat as I threw my phone to him. "Text Taylor Jean, saying to pack a bag with clothing and some food and wait outside her house."

    "Taylor Jean?"

   "Drake, just fucking do it!" I snapped.

   The cops soon lost us once I reached Taylor Jean's neighborhood. When I found her house, she wasn't standing outside. I cursed and hit the steering wheel.

    "Well, smart idea! She isn't even here!" Drake yelled.

    I got out of the car and he yelled for me to get back in but I didn't. I ran straight into her house and I could hear her in her room. I ran up there and she was frantically shoving clothing into a bag. I knocked onto her door and she jumped and turned.

    "God, you scared the hell out of me!" She yelled. "What is this? Why do I have to pack a bag?"   

    "Just wait and I'll explain later but we have to go, now." I grabbed her hand and she grabbed the bag. We ran to the kitchen and threw in food that would last for a while and that seemed a tad bit appetizing. I could hear sirens in the distance and she looked confused when I cursed. "Fuck, come on!"

    We ran out of the house and got into the car. Drake quickly backed out of her drive-way and Taylor Jean asked yet another question.

    "Why is my license plate different?" 

    "I had to switch the plates so they didn't recognize us." Drake explained. Taylor Jean sat in my lap as we hid in the back seat. Drake acted normal as he got back on the road and drove slowly away.

    "What are we doing?" She asked me softly.

    "It's alright." I said brushing her hair out of her face. She cried softly as the fear was getting to her. "I promise."

*. May 23rd .*

    "So, let me get this straight." She said holding onto a mug as we sat in the dark with only some candles that showed our faces. "Someone is after you." She stopped. "To kill you."

    I nodded.

    "That's a lot to take in." She breathed. "Um, well, for what?"

    "I told you how my parents died, right?" She nodded. "Well, I didn't tell you the whole story."

*. Flashback .*

    "Vanessa? Ness?" I said walking into the living room. The whole house was empty and I knew mom and dad left because they told me. But where was my sister? When I saw her sneak in through the window, I spoke. "Where were you?"

     She jumped and hit my head. "God, stop doing that!"

    "Sorry." I said. "Where are mom and dad? They said they'd be home soon."

    "Soon, go to sleep."

    "I'm 16, I should be able to go to sleep whenever." I snapped.

    "Well, I'm 21 and you should listen to me because I'm older." She snapped back. 

     "Well, I'm going out." I said. She shook her head and rolled her eyes as I took the car keys from the counter and got into the car.

     I drove to the school where my friends were. I parked and some of them were smoking and the others were just sitting there. I could tell they were high. I walked to them and they nodded when I showed up. They passed me a cigarette and I took it and lit it with my own lighter. We were soon standing there just chilling before my friend, Jimi, spoke.

    "You should see what West did!" Jimi laughed. I looked to West and he was laughing to. He came to me and put his arm around my shoulder.

    "Sorry mate." He said. "But it's top secret." 

     West was not exactly my friend, but he hangs out with the people I hang out with. I didn't like him. He was a little too dangerous for any of us to hang out with. But it was rubbing off on some of us. But West was a prick.

   When sirens started to go off, everyone suddenly bolted. I dropped my cigarette and ran a different way. Everyone did, besides Max and Chris who were passed out. I found my way to a fence and I was about to climb over it when the cop cars were in my sight.

     I turn around fast and find a car that I can hide behind. I ran towards it and hit as I watch the police cars drive right past my hiding spot. I was about to get up, but voices made me halt. They were familiar and I didn't realize it until I saw who it was. My parents.

     They started to come towards the car so secretly ran towards the wall watching them get into the car but before I knew, a large boom erupted and the car exploded in flames and I saw my life flash before my eyes as I realize my parents just died. They were dead.

     But then my mind goes to West. Did he do this? Was this what was so cool? Did he know that this was my parents car? I get up and walk slowly toward the car.

     "Freeze!" A voice yell. I turn and a bright light flashes in front of my eyes as three cops held a gun towards me. 

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