chapter 2

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Sorry guys I've been neglecting this book. I've been working hard on confusions of love q. But i will start updating this book too. I hope you enjoy this chapter after a real long break.

Point of view Kung Jin

The next morning I woke up to both of my female partners talking it up. Cassie turned around to face my bed and said "sorry kung jin. We didnt mean to wake ya." I got out of bed and said "its cool guys, you seen Takeda? " Jacqui pointed out the window and said "I heard something about him going to the training fields." I shook my head and said "alright thanks im going to head to the training fields i'll meet up with you guys later alright.?" Jacqui salutes me and cassie shakes her head yes. 

I see Takeda punching at the wooden frame body. Every punch looking so clean but they were different. I know no shoalin trained him. I must assets him. I said "hey Takeda." He turned his head said "oh..jin hey buddy. How did ya sleep?" I threw my bag down and said "not bad..say buddy im interested in your fighting style." Takeda smiled and said "so you want have a little sparring match. " I grabbed my staff and said "you really can read minds can't you Takeda." Takeda kicked at me and I grabbed his foot. I flipped him and he did three flips backwards and landed on his feet.  he ran up to me and punched me. I swept him off his feet. We exchanged a few more hits. Then we called it quits.  Were both laying on the floor. Takeda looked at me and said "wow that was amazing. Good sparring. Cassies dad knows how to pick a team member." I said "same to you." Takeda helped me up and we started to head back to the dorm because our first meeting of classes was going to start in an hour or two. As were walking back Takeda converstaion went like this.

Takeda: so jin may I ask you something? 

Kung jin: sure go ahead

Takeda: do you believe in love?  Like crushes

Kung jin: *blushes* um yeah. Why?

Takeda: cause I think im crushing on something and I only met them yesterday.

Kung jin: oh really thats cool. Do I know the person

Takeda: yeah you should it'll be crazy if you didnt

Kung jin: um is it cassie? 

Takeda: nah our bosses daughter of course not?

Kung jin: Jacqui

Takeda: yeah..its Jacqui. I find her pretty cute.

Kung jin: oh...

Takeda: you alright bro? You don't like her too do you? 

Kung jin: nah..its just that you kicked me in my ribs earlier and im feeling a bit now.

Takeda: oh man im sorry. I didnt mean to kick ya too hard

[Point of view Jacqui]

I sat on my bed waiting for the boys to get back. I don't know why im really missing Takeda. I heard two knocks on our door. It was the boys. I blushed and said "Takeda how was the training fields. " he hugged me. My body began to catch on fire and he said "it was fine, im a bit hungry." I smiled and said "oh okay there is a food place downstairs that's where Cassie is." Takeda threw down his bag and said "deal let's go you three." We met Cassie back at the cafeteria where she was staring off into space. I tapped her shoulder and said "hey girlfriend, me and boys are here to catch a quick bite before class." Cassie nodded her head and said "sure sit down. How was training guys? " Takeda excitedly said "it was really fun. I won of course." Kung jin rolled his eyes and said "my ass.."

I stared at Cassie something. Something was on her mind. I grabbed some of fries. She didn't respond. Which is weird usually when I take her food , she would've gave me another breathe from. Then a figure started to walk towards us. It was a member of the Lin kuei. Takeda body got a bit tense. The Lin kuei member said "hey takashi...shin ryu punk." Takeda put his head down. I got up and said "hey how about you get out of here creep." The Lin kuei members friends came over and stood in front of me and said "make us get out." I balled up my fist in anger and Cassie stood next to me and said "are you looking for a fight? " jin stood up and said "yeah I just got finish sparring and ready for the real thing and not hold back." A crowd surrounded us. I went to throw the first punch and Takeda just yelled "STOP IT!!!!!" everyone grew silent. I looked at him and noticed he was crying. He started to run away I said "wait Takeda! "

After the confusion faded away, i went off to look for Takeda.  I checked our room, but it was no luck. I wandered off to the proving grounds. where I found Takeda sitting in the tree staring at a photo. began to walk closer to him, suddenly he says "stop it Jacqui, i wish not talk about what just happened." I didn't care, I continued to walked towards the tree. Takeda threw an kunai. it stop at feet. his voice became more demanding and said "Jacqui don't take another step or I won't miss with the next one I'll throw." I took a few steps back and said "fine I won't come any closer if that makes feel comfortable. But please tell me. What was that about earlier ?" 

Takeda: *sigh* fine..I'll speak...the people that was in the cafeteria..Is Apart of the opposite clan of mine.

Jacqui: alright, go one. their is more to this, I know their is 

Takeda: Listen I didn't tell no one, but my mother..she's deceased..

Jacqui: Oh my.. I'm sorry. i had no clue at all. What does that have to do with the situation?

Takeda: I think those guys. Those bastards!!! In that clan are the ones responsible for her death.

Jacqui: why you think that ?

Takeda: They're the ones responsible for my masters family and most of the clan death from the early start of the shira ryu..

Jacqui: I see now..The bitter rivalry between the clans hasn't died down. why did you run away and not fight ?

Takeda: There was three of them and one of me... Just like when I was a kid. I knew had to fight and defend myself but, they had equal skill and also won in numbers.

Jacqui: But Takeda you're no longer a kid anymore. That means you're not alone. you have friends and teammates this time around. Me, Jin, and Cassie was ready to fight with you. You can trust us. We are all worried about you. Please come down.

Takeda jumped down from the tree and walked towards me and picked the kunai from my feet. He grinned and said "sorry for the kunai" i responded "it's cool." I began to walk away, suddenly Takeda grabbed my hand and said "Wait a sec." I turned to him and he just hugged me. My body was on fire and i began to blush. He said " thanks for talking to me. I always felt alone in my life. Even though the clan and scorpion was there. They only saw me as a comrade. i really never had people to call my friend besides my master. My father was never there for me in my childhood. You guys today make me feel like for the first time i have friends. Especially you Jacqui. Thanks" I wrapped my arms back around him and rested my head in his chest and said "no problem. I didn't know all that about you, but just know i'll always be here for you through thick and thin." He then draped his arm around my shoulder and we headed back into the building. Takeda turned to me and started to turn pink in the cheeks and said "Jacqui say do you want to get dinner maybe sometime this week." i chuckled and said "sure thing. i will love that." he smiled and said "yes, i will try to find time to do this between our training, be right back im going to the bathroom." i nodded my head and said "alright Takeda i'm going to head back to the room." 

I started to head back to the room "he finally did it..." i said to myself

(Takeda POV) "I Finally did it "

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