Missing Scene: "Baby Salvatore"

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A/N: As requested by a few readers. Here is the first one-shot for "Within Temptation" This takes place the night that Elena and Stefan have their first baby.


Within Temptation: "Baby Salvatore"

She was screaming her head off as they wheeled her into the emergency room the morning of her due date. Her water had broken earlier than excepted and Elena was nothing but anxious as she clutched on to Stefan's hand; threatening him a bit.

"The next time you touch me, I swear to god that it will be when we're old and fat!" Elena screamed at him, tightening her grasp around the collar of his shirt as he felt her release it and he could breathe again.

"Now, now. Don't be like that." Katherine encouraged on the other side of her, tightening the grip of Elena's other hand around her own because she was afraid that Elena would go into a fit of rage and go after Stefan.

"Don't tell me what to do!" Elena shot back, screaming in agony as the contractions came closer and closer together and Stefan told her to breathe. Damon and Rebekah watched as they wheeled her down towards the delivery rooms.

"How much you want to bet that it's going to be a girl?" She asked her husband as he laughed and handed her $20 dollars.

"How much you want to bet that it's going to be a boy?" He asked her with a smile on his face as she laughed and crumpled up the money into her hands as she took a seat in the waiting room. "A hell of a lot more than this." She stated with a bright smile. "You owe me a new pair of shoe's if it's a girl." She commented with a smirk, adding in for good measure. "A $2,000 dollar pair of shoes."

Hours had gone by as the doctors worked on Elena and Stefan paced the floor outside of the waiting room. Damon came to stand by his side. "Why aren't you in there?" He asked his younger brother who looked almost as if he was going to lose most of his lunch. His stomach had been in knots since around 3:30 in the morning when Elena had woken him up and told him that it was time to take her to the hospital. Stefan drove to the hospital in his pajama pants and a thin white t-shirt. He had apparently even forgotten to set the alarm on the house because Elijah had to stop by and check up on things; notifying him of his forgetfulness.

"I'm a fucking mess." He commented, leaning his back against the wall as Damon stood beside him, placing his hand onto his shoulder carefully.

"You're going to be a first time dad. That's normal." Damon smiled, remembering the first time he held Elizabeth in his arms when the doctors handed his daughter to him. "When Lizzy was born. I was so afraid to hold her, thought I'd drop her on the damn floor from how shaky my arms were." He added on, hearing a little laugh escape out of his brother's mouth. Stefan felt a little better, knowing that he wasn't going to be all alone in being a first time dad. He was surrounded by experts, or at least men that thought they were pretty good at being dad's.

"Besides, Elijah and Klaus had no fucking idea what they were doing either. No one does, Stefan." Damon chimed in with a grin, glancing down the hallway to make sure that neither of them were in ear shot. "I bet you money that Elijah's worried that when Katherine has that baby of theirs that he's going to be taking a shit load of his suits to the dry cleaners." Damon joked, stepping back away from the wall as they both heard footsteps and then saw one of the doctors leave the delivery room.

"Mr. Salvatore!" He called out, turning around to the brother's as he took his blue mask off and gloves, extending out his hand.

"It's Stefan." He replied, shaking the doctor's hand as they all smiled and he announced with a gleeful glance. "Congratulations, son. Your wife and baby girl are doing amazingly well. Everything went great."

"Baby girl?" Stefan asked with wide eyes and tears in his eyes as the doctor nodded and Stefan turned around to embrace his brother. "When can I see my wife?" He asked eagerly, watching Damon slide down against the wall, looking visibly upset.

"What's wrong, Damon? I thought you'd be elated to be an uncle." Stefan asked, tilting his head to the side in total confusion as he heard his brother groan out in agony.

"I am little brother. I totally am. It's just. I just lost a bet with my wife on the gender of your baby and now I owe her more than 20 dollars. She wants $2000 dollars for a pair of new shoes!" Damon exclaimed, hearing the doctor and Stefan laugh out loud before they disappeared into the recovery room to go see Elena and the newest baby Salvatore.

"Hi baby girl." Stefan softly whispered as Elena closed her eyes and the nurses handed his daughter to him. Stefan slowly walked around Elena's room, rocking his daughter with shaking arms and praying that he wouldn't wake Elena up. She looked so peaceful and content.

"Meet your daughter, Mr. Salvatore." The nurse mused, fixing the blanket around the little newborn's body and making sure that Stefan was holding her correctly. "I got her." Stefan said, walking over to take a seat in the nursery looking chair in the room.

"I'll be back to check up on you three later." The nurse smiled, leaving the room and closing the door behind her. Stefan heard the clicking noise of the door closing as Elena as she slowly began to open her eyes and sleepily greeted Stefan with a smile.

"Hi baby." She said, reaching out her hand towards Stefan as he slowly readjusted his arm and held out his hands towards her. "Did you name her while I was sleeping?" Elena joked as Stefan shook his head, clearing his throat. "No. I just came in a while ago. Been waiting for you while her and I have been getting acquainted." He smiled cheerfully as Elena dropped her hand from his and inhaled sharply from the pain she was feeling.

"What are we going to name her?" Elena asked as Stefan glanced down at his newborn daughter who's eyes were closing slowly due to the fact that was safe and warm in her father's arms.

"I think we should name her Emma Marie Salvatore." He suggested as Elena nodded in between yawning out a breath.

"Emma it is." She agreed, repeating her daughter's name as she glanced over as Stefan and replied in a tone above a whisper. "Welcome to the world little Emma Marie. You're going to be one lucky little girl." She stated, curling up underneath the three blankets that the nurses had given her as Stefan leaned back into the chair he was sitting in and leaned down to kiss his daughter's rosy cheeks. "Welcome to the world, Miss Emma Salvatore." He proudly said, closing his eyes and allowing for sleep to overtake them both as he thought about how much their lives were about to change.

A/N: Have a request for a one shot based off of "Within Temptation"? Please leave me a comment and let me know. :)

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