Chapter Thirty

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A/N: Hey all! As many of you had said...If you've read my other stories..I do really like making Matt the crazy character in my stories because it's so unlike his character on the show! ;) Anyways, here's CH.30. Hope you all like it!

Within Temptation- Chapter Thirty

"What do you mean, he's moving her? Are you insane, she just had a major surgery. You tell that man that he's not doing it!" Caroline spit out angrily, staring across the waiting room at the small coffee shop across from her, the aroma of vanilla, caramel and the image of a good cup of coffee filled her senses. Caroline needed a break- she needed one badly. She was hungry and tired, spending the most of her day babysitting Sarah while Klaus went back to work was hard on her.

"Honey, don't touch that!" Caroline scolded Sarah as she ran her hands over a stuffed animal, pouting up at her mother with a quivering lip and bright loving blue eyes.

"But, momma! I want it play with it." Sarah began to argue, watching her mother cross her legs over each other as a sigh escaped past her lips and she spoke to Klaus on the phone.

"Stefan wants me to get to know her and honestly, I don't see a point in moving her to another location. She's safest here, in the hospital." Caroline pointed out, looking up to suddenly see Sarah talking to a tall man that was kneeled down in front of her, admiring the little girls curly blonde hair.

"Sarah!" Caroline yelled, pushing up off the chair as she hurriedly walked over to her daughter who stood awestruck in front of the man in a baseball hat. Caroline pulled Sarah close, wearily looking him over as he smiled up at her and extended out his hand. "You must be Caroline Mikaelson. I'm Jeremy Gilbert...I've heard a lot about you from both Katherine and Elena." He informed her, watching the blonde look down at her daughter who was smiling up at him and turning towards her mom.

"Momma. Dr. Gilbert gave me some candy." She said excitedly, opening up her little hand to show a few pieces of starburst as Caroline patted her daughters head and looked back up the tall brown haired young man. "Your Elena and Katherine's older brother?"

She watched him nod as he smiled at her, clearing his throat. " Yeah. I came over to introduce myself to you because I know you and Katherine were very close and with everything going on.." His voice trailed off as he watched Caroline's blue eyes narrowed, bending down towards Sarah as she pointed to a pile of children's books and toys in the waiting room that were behind them.

"Honey, how about you go play with those toys over that you wanted to play with earlier while mommy and Dr. Gilbert talk about some grown up things." Caroline commented, sending Sarah off as she turned back towards Jeremy who now had his hands in his pockets, leaning back on the soles of his Nike shoes.

"I'm going to need your help, Caroline. I know that you don't know Elena very well. But-." He began to say as Caroline lifted her hand and placed it over his arm, giving him a saddened look when she said. "But, Elena doesn't deserve this. Look, Jeremy, I'll help you with anything that I can. Just let me what I need to do." Caroline said, turning back to watch Sarah for a moment.

"Well, your husband knows the lead investigator in this case as well as Stefan does. So, I need the two of you to go down to the police station to convince her to release Katherine, I don't care how much the bail will be. I need them to release Katherine today, I need them to do it now." Jeremy told her, watching as Caroline gave him a confused look, stepping back and biting down on her lip nervously. "I can't do that, Jeremy."

"Why not?" He asked her, watching Caroline shift her gaze, her arms crossed over her chest as she locked her eyes on to Elena's older brother when she added. "Because, I'm the one responsible for Katherine being in there to begin with...I told the police that it was Katherine who shot Elena and now, that we know that it isn't her..I feel too guilty to face her. Do you even know what that feels like, to betray someone?"

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