21. Eleven Months Later

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Eleven Months Later


"C'mon Xenon, I see them!" Harriet exclaimed, earning herself a grunt of annoyance from the dragon she was currently riding.

They were on yet another man hunt and Harriet was determined to get it done quickly this time. She and Leopold had been spending a lot of time together, but she had learned that the quicker she did her job, the quicker she could spend more time with him. Unfortunately, Clara had already secured her for the day so Harriet could help her get everything ready for the twins' birthday, but Harriet figured the quicker she was done with both things, the sooner she would get to spend time with Leopold.

"I know, I've been able to see them for about ten minutes, now," Xenon responded.

"Sorry, I just really want this to be over with," Harriet said sheepishly over the sound of the gusts of wind. They were flying high in the sky, but they were still low enough to see the two horses and their riders cantering across the country road below.

"Yes, yes, I know. You want to get back to your mate." Harriet smacked one of Xenon's neck scales. "Was that supposed to be a hit? It felt like a tickle."

"Shut up. He's not my mate." Yet. Harriet added silently in her head. It was pretty much agreed upon that they would be married soon. Harriet didn't really know why it was taking so long.

"Right. Because you spend all of your free time with him because you don't like him." Harriet could practically hear Xenon rolling his eyes.

"That's because we're courting, genius."

"You humans are so silly. Dragons are much easier. All we do is walk up to a female and-"

"You know, Xenon, I really don't want to know," Harriet said hurriedly, trying not to scrunch her face up with embarrassment.

"But you need to learn about the Dragons and the Pixies."

"I'm sorry what? The Dragons and the Pixies? Do you mean the birds and the bees?"

"Is that what it is? I can hardly keep up with human phrases. Everyone knows bees and birds are not compatible." Harriet didn't get a chance to reply because a moment later, Xenon tilted them into a nosedive, sending them hurling towards the two riding men.

In all of three seconds they had landed in front of them, causing the men and their horses to skid to a stop. Harriet tried to hide her smile. No one ever expected a dragon to come after them... or a woman riding a dragon for that matter.

"You have a choice. Either you can come quietly or we can drag you back to the Ecrivenian Palace kicking and screaming," Harriet called in an authoritative voice meeting the eyes of one of the men. For a moment no one moved, until the man dismounted and knelt on the ground, followed quickly by the other.

"Why don't they ever run?" Harriet heard Xenon grumble in her head, but she didn't pay him any mind. Of course they never ran. Who would be foolish enough to run from a massive dragon? Getting down and off of Xenon, Harriet took her rope out of the pack on her back before walking towards the two men.

Both of the men looked decidedly uncomfortable when Harriet tied their wrists together and then proceeded to tie them together. But they didn't do anything. They just sat there, both their eyes going back and forth between Harriet and Xenon as if they couldn't decide who they should be more afraid of.

She had just finished tying them to each other, back to dirty back, when she began to hear hoofbeats in the distance. She smirked and the dark haired man closest to her watched her warily. Harriet knew precisely who was on their way.

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