Chapter 14

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Playing Somewhat Nice

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Playing Somewhat Nice

Since Matt's party, rumors have been spreading with the power of social media faster than wildfire moves through a dry, drought-plagued forest. Let's take a moment to thank the technological advances for brainwashing the posterity of this country with a device that can fit in the palm of your hand.

Unfortunately, Monday comes along and draws a bitter end to the weekend. Yet, the entire school is livacious, buzzing with chatter. Leave it to a bunch of teenagers to loiter around and waste their time gossiping about nonsensical matters rather than focusing on their education. Welcome to high school, ladies and gentlemen. People are openly gawking and staring at the girl, who has her headphones plugged into her ears, as if she is an extraterrestrial being of some sort. She doesn't give them the time of day though as she continues down the hall.

After she had confirmed Ethan's story with Ian, Jillian and Jack, Charlie decided to spare the boy's life. For now anyways. She's two-hundred and ten percent positive he'll do something that'll make her want to make her skin him alive sooner or later and when that day comes, he can kiss everything he knows goodbye. She hasn't spoken to him since Saturday and she's hoping she won't have to interact with him for the rest of her life.

A girl can dream, can't she?

Yeah, they have first period together but due to Mariana's maddening voice, Charlie has moved to the front of the room where she has a much better view. So even if Ethan wants to bug her, he doesn't have a chance.

The first three hours fly by in what feels like a blink of an eye. It's one of those rare days Charlie barely gets to experience and she's loving it. She cannot wait to go home and catch up on Gotham. It's one of her favorite shows at the moment. Charlie is about to head to lunch when somebody grabs her wrist and drags her into one of the unoccupied classes nearby. She's prepared to defend herself when she is greeted with a distressed looking Hayden.

"What are you doing?" She eyes him disapprovingly. What does he want with her now? Doesn't he know it's her feeding-time?

"I need to talk to you," he breathes.

"Can't you wait until class? I'm hungry." She reaches for the door, but he stops her.

"This is really important, Charlie." Hayden's tone sounds pleading; she decides to hear him out. Realizing that she's waiting for him to carry on, he clears his throat and braces himself. "Haven't you heard what people have been saying?"

The girl scoffs. Is that even real question? "No, I haven't. It's usually just a bunch of bullshit anyways. I don't know if you've noticed or not, but over the last couple of years I've learned to master the art of selective hearing. I only hear the things I want to hear, while I tune out everything else. It's become second-nature to me actually. You should try it out some time." There are occasions where Charlie isn't able to ignore people, a prime example being Mariana, but for the most part it works out well for her.

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